June 25, 2008

Sign Wednesday: I couldn't believe it!

I walked into the atrium of our church 2 weeks ago and saw this sign:

I truly couldn't believe what I was seeing. If fact there were 2 guys who read my blog who came up to me as I was walking through the atrium to point this sign out to me. They were excited to show me how bad this sign is and that is never a good thing at your own church.

Let's go over why this sign is so bad.

1. Having to put a sign on a sign is rarely a good idea. It is always a bad idea when you have to cover up something printed on the sign. Just print a new sign. The cost of the new sign outweighs the message that you are communicating about your brand.

2. Seriously, do I have to go over the whole hand written sign thing again. Hand written signs are bad. Period. I don't care how nice your handwriting is or that you are being artistic with the letters. Hand written signs are bad.

3. As you can tell the sign is old, look at the curve in the right and left sides. Once again, I am for reusing good signs if they look good. Your brand means more than the $17 that it would have cost to reprint this sign.

There you have it. I even have a hard time at my church keeping the signs looking good. Don't worry though, I will keep trying to make our world a better looking place.

June 23, 2008

Ministry Monday: 5 Themes

I am currently working on a scope and sequence (not real high on that term but it is the best I have) for birth-high school. Yes I know, it is a task and a half. You think I am crazy and you want to know why I am doing this thing because I am not a publishing company. Well, let me just say that I think we need to be more strategic and intentional in our approach of leading kids and students.

Right now I can't say that we are doing a great job at being either strategic or intentional in the ministries that I over see in this area of cohesion for kids. Don't get me wrong, I think that we are doing very well in our series that we do for each group but it is not a cohesive unit by any means. As the Pastor of Students and Children it is my job to get us there.

You may or may not know but Reggie Joiner and the people over at the ReThink Group are doing this as well. Reggie has his 3 dials of Wonder, Discovery, and Passion that he talks about when examining this topic. Those are very good and the way that he presents them is great. The only problem is when I tell parents that I am going to teach their kid about Wonder, Discovery, and Passion then they look at me funny. Believe me, I have tried this and the looks are great. I guess I didn't do as well as Reggie at presenting the concepts.

What did I do in return? I have come up with 5 themes that we are going to focus on from birth-high school. Now don't get me wrong, these are not earth shattering by any means but it does give us a stick to measure with and to communicate to parents.

When a parent comes to me now and asked what we are going to teach their child from birth-high school I will say, "There are 5 key themes or areas that your child will learn while in our program. We will make sure your child is taught about:

God (The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit)
The Church
The Bible
Self Disciplines
and Relationships

I told you that it wasn't earth shattering.

This gives us a foundation of what we are going to teach. It also helps us plan the teaching series or look for curriculum. I can now honestly look at each series and say that we are to heavy on the relationship piece and not enough on the Bible or the Holy Spirit or whatever happens to be the case. It is a start but not even close to being finished. More will come in the future about what our scope and sequence really looks like. It will be broken down for each area to give us a nice picture of where a kid should be in 5th grade, 8th grade, and 12th grade. Like I said before this is a task and a half.

By the way, why is it so hard to find this topic of an over arching theme for birth-high school? Is Reggie really one of the few people out there doing this? There has to be more. If you know of any could you leave a comment and let the rest of us know about it.

June 20, 2008

Free Thought Friday: Weird News Story of the Day

I was searching the web for some good news to blog about today. I came across this story:

Report: Ohio teacher burned cross on kids' arms
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MOUNT VERNON, Ohio (AP) - A public school teacher preached his Christian beliefs despite complaints by other teachers and administrators and used a device to burn the image of a cross on students' arms, according to a report by independent investigators.

Mount Vernon Middle School teacher John Freshwater also taught creationism in his science class and was insubordinate in failing to remove a Bible and other religious materials from his classroom, the report said.

School board members were scheduled to meet Friday afternoon to discuss the findings by consulting firm H.R. On Call Inc., hired by the district to investigate. The report was released Thursday.

School Superintendent Stephen Short wouldn't comment on the report before Friday's meeting, his office said. A message seeking comment was left for Freshwater's attorney, Roger Weaver.

The report comes one week after a family filed a federal lawsuit in Columbus against Freshwater and the school district, saying Freshwater burned a cross on their child's arm that remained for three or four weeks.

Freshwater's friend Dave Daubenmire defended him.

"With the exception of the cross-burning episode ... I believe John Freshwater is teaching the values of the parents in the Mount Vernon school district," he told The Columbus Dispatch in a story published Friday.

Several students interviewed by investigators described Freshwater, who has been employed by the school district for 21 years, as a great guy.

But Lynda Weston, the district's director of teaching and learning, told investigators that she has dealt with complaints about Freshwater for much of her 11-year term at the district, the report said.

A former superintendent, Jeff Maley, said he tried to find another position for Freshwater but couldn't because Freshwater was certified only in science, the report said.

Freshwater used a science tool known as a high-frequency generator to burn images of a cross on students' arms in December, the report said. Freshwater told investigators he simply was trying to demonstrate the device on several students and described the images as an "X," not a cross. But pictures show the images depict a cross, the report said.

Other findings show that Freshwater taught that carbon dating was unreliable to argue against evolution.

I am all for living out your faith. I am even for people getting tattoos. My uncle is a tattoo artist. The thing that is the most weird for me in this story is the last paragraph. When Freshwater told investigators that it was an X and not a cross. If you are going to be bold enough to break a bunch of rules and not own up for this one then there is something wrong. I do appreciate Mr. Freshwater's passion. His technique maybe a little off.

June 18, 2008

Sign Wednesday: The Tombstone

Did you ever think about your tombstone as a sign? In many ways it is the ultimate sign. The last sign that you will probably ever get to post will be one that you decide for your remains. I am not trying to be morbid here but I do think that it is important for you to think about.

I like cemeteries for some reason. I think they are really intriguing and interesting. I participated in a funeral today at Spring Grove Cemetery here in Cincinnati. Believe it or not it is a beautiful place. Incredible trees and landscaping but more importantly incredible tombstones or should I say signs. I was blown away by the number of tombstones that were just huge. There were more ornate and intricate than any I have every seen in one cemetery. I can't believe I am going to write this but if you get a chance to go to Spring Grove to drive around I think you should. It really is a site to see.

Here are some of the pictures that I took while I was there.

There were many of these there and this one was not the biggest by any means and it stood about 30 feet tall.

I found this very interesting. It is quite tombish. Again not the biggest one but is a good representation.

Look at the huge piece of petrified wood on top of the tombstone. I couldn't figure out why but thought it was really cool.

This picture doesn't give it justice but believe me when I say that this was awe inspiring.

When I die I don't think I want an actual sign as my tombstone but I would like to have a really cool unique one that stands out. No neon or anything but I do think that my last sign should be at least interesting. I might be putting more pressure on myself than I need.

June 14, 2008

The World is Flatter for Children's Ministry

Did you know that I have a Posse'? That's right, I'm cool enough to have a gang of Children's Pastors that I hang out with. Hang out with might be a stretch. I mean we communicate all of the time. We pray for each other like crazy. We let each other know what's really going on in our ministries. We encourage each other and push each other. I can't think of a better group of guys to prod me along.

So how has the world of Children's Ministry become flat? I have actually never met any of them in person. Jonathan Cliff, aka Little Pastor, lives in Lubbock, TX. He just had a rough 10 year anniversary because his kids aren't feeling well. Kenny Conley is in Austin, TX. He just became the Family Pastor of a church there and is dealing with a lot of leadership growth in his life. Sam Luce is in Utica, NY and has been the Children's Pastor of his church for 10 years. He is extremely passionate about ministry, Macs, and media. All three of these guys are leaders beyond belief. Their visions are incredible.

How do I know all this stuff? How do we communicate? How did we become friends?
It is quite simple. We all blog (Jonathan's blog, Kenny's blog, Sam's blog). We all Twitter (Johanthan's feed, Kenny's feed, Sam's feed). We even use the old school e-mail. We all have the common interest in seeing people get God's love. Someday we are all going to be at the same conference and be able to make fun of each other in person but until that day I am extremely excited that God has brought us together for this season in this way. You could call us all nerds or geeks. You could call us a nice team assembled all over the country. You could call us crazy.

By the way there is one more guy who all 4 of us look to that is also making the world of Children's Ministry flatter. His name is Pudge Huckaby. I have had the priveledge of meeting Pudge at his church in South Carolina. He to has incredible insight and passion for kids and the ministry to kids. I don't know if I would call him apart of the Posse', but I think he will be soon. His blog is here and his twitter feed is here.

This Posse' is not closed. We are not exclusive except for the fact that you have to be really good at what you do. You have to be passionate about ministry, people, and God's love. You have to be somewhat of a tech geek, if not we might bore you. You have to be willing to share your thoughts and to be pushed. Other than that let us know who you are. We would love to have you as apart of the conversation.

Doing anything together is much better than doing something by yourself.

June 11, 2008

Sign Wednesday: Hell's Most Wanted


If you don't know by now that I am a Christ-follower then you haven't read my blog very closely at all. After reading this sign above though it looks like I am still going to Hell. It looks like we are all going to Hell. I wonder if the person who put this sign up thinks that they are going to heaven? I hope not. I hope that they are a sports fan, gambler, lier, and hypocrite just like me. That way they to can come to realize that Jesus is about grace and that is the only reason they can repent and turn to Him.

I don't know what makes this sign worse, the overall judgment that is on the sign or the graphical design. Either way it maybe one of the worst signs I have every seen.

If this sign is right then I will see you in Hell. If the Bible is right then I will see you in Heaven.

(hat tip to Kenny for sending me the sign)

Update: I took out fornicator to my list above. I really thought fornicator meant something else. Sorry for the confusion.

June 9, 2008

Ministry Monday: The 4 Minute Rule


Do you know the 4 Minute Rule? If you don't you should. Fairly or unfairly you, your ministry, your events, and even your success is judged, measured, and defined by the 4 Minute Rule. Am I talking about the amount of time that you teach a point and move on to something else? No. Am I talking about the amount of time you can spend on Facebook before being invited to another application or group? No, that would be the 2 minute rule. So, what is the is the 4 Minute Rule and why is it so important?

The 4 Minute Rule is simple and if used effectively will increase your ministry leaps and bounds. If the 4 Minute Rule is used poorly then it will create headaches of migraine proportions. The 4 Minute Rule says that you have 4 Minutes with each set of parents or guardians of each kid. The 2 Minutes that they drop them off and the 2 Minutes that they pick them up and that is it. Most parents don't know anything more about you, your ministry, or your responsibility than those crucial 4 Minutes. I mean think about it. Parents really don't know what happens while they are gone. Sometimes that is a good thing but most of the time that is not the goal but it remains to be the truth. Seriously though, how would they know what happened? They ask their child and the child mutters something about candy, not winning, and that someone was smelling really bad. Parents look at the parent page long enough to see that you taught their child something and are happy that they didn't have to teach that lesson. Parents though in those 4 Minutes judge everything by all 5 senses. How does your space smell? How does your ministry look? How friendly are your volunteers? How much do you care about my child? Can I trust you with my child? Does it look like you know what you are doing? How does your space and ministry make them feel?

Now you see how important the 4 Minute Rule is to you and your ministry. You really only have a brief amount of time to impress and communicate to families. This is why environment is so important. This is why smiling faces at the room is so important. This is why the check in process is one of the most important things that you will do in the eyes of the family. Remember you only have the 2 minutes that parents drop off and the 2 minutes that parents pick up. If it takes more than those 2 minutes then families are not going to be happy and if it takes a lot less time than that then they don't feel like you care about their child. Nobody likes to wait in line to drop off their kids. Nobody likes it when you can't find their kid's bag or toy when they come pick up their child. Believe me when I say that I know that your ministry, job, livelihood is so much more than those 4 Minutes but I don't know when it comes to ministering to the family if you can find a more crucial 4 Minutes.

If you don't believe that these 4 Minutes are crucial then let them go by the wayside and see what happens. You will get more complaints and families leaving because they remember the first and last things that they experience and that experience was not good.

Live by the 4 Minute rule or spend the rest of your time making up for those 4 bad Minutes.

June 7, 2008

Listen to my Post with Jott

As many of you know, I am a huge fan of Jott.com. Well they just came out with a new feature that will let you listen to my post on your cell phone while you are away from your computer. I don't know about you but I think this is really cool. I talked to my wife today and she didn't see the coolness but that is okay. If you want to listen to my post click on the button below.

Listen to this site on my phone with Jott Feeds

You do have to have a Jott account and from there it is easy to set up. If you don't have a Jott account, then what are you waiting for? It really is an incredible piece of technology for use on the go.

June 5, 2008

Tech Thursday: WWDC 08


The WWDC is the World Wide Developer Conference by Apple. Yes this is the famous conference that Steve Jobs announces the new stuff that fanboys like myself must have. The conference starts at 1:00pm eastern time. Do you think that it is a coincidence that Smash Camp will end at 1:00pm? Maybe but I would say that someone was thinking. Of course there are rumors upon rumors about all kinds of stuff that will happen at WWDC. The way Engadget puts it is like this:

Rumor roll call: 3G iPhone: check. Mid-range Mac desktop: check. Tablet MacBook: check. Tablet iPod touch: check. New MacBook Pros: check. Wait. You do realize that this is WWDC, and Apple usually only announces one, maybe two new pieces of hardware, right? They really just tend to focus on the software being that it's their, um, worldwide developer conference. (iPhone 2.0 firmware: check. OS X 10.6: check. Me.com: check.)

What do I think will happen? I think there will be an announcement about the iPhone 2.0. It will have 3G on it but you won't be able to buy it until the 1st of July. There won't by a Tablet MacBook even thought I would buy one in a heart beat. There will be a lot of new software updates that will make things simpler for almost everyone. The Apple stock will go up $3.07 on Monday and will fall $10.37 by the end of the week. I won't get an iPhone 2.0 for at least another year.

There you have it. My predictions for WWDC 08. I hope that there is more but I doubt it.

What do you think Steve Jobs is going to announce?

June 3, 2008

30 Minute Tuesday: My Sermon

I know that Tuesday are normally cut down to 2 minutes for your convenience but I just can't help myself this time. Below is a link to the sermon I did this past Sunday. It is about 30 minutes total.


I hope that you enjoy it and if you don't then you can let me know that as well. I look forward to the comments and thoughts.

By the way, I love to preach. The more I do it the more I enjoy it.

June 2, 2008

Ministry Monday: Best Place to Worship in Cincinnati

For some reason the following e-mail cracked me up. The business that is putting this together is either really smart or are grasping for straws. Seriously you have to read this and I quote:

I am pleased to announce that Horizon Community Church has been selected for the 2008 Best of Cincinnati Award in the Places of Worship category by the U.S. Local Business Association (USLBA).

In recognition of your achievement, a 2008 Best of Cincinnati Award plaque has been designed for display at your place of business. You may arrange to have your award sent directly to Horizon Community Church by following the simple steps on the 2008 Best of Cincinnati Award order form. Simply copy and paste this link into your browser to access the order form: https://www.uslba.net/Award.aspx?b=100585318&bc=1307609134

The USLBA "Best of Local Business" Award Program recognizes outstanding local businesses throughout the country. Each year, the USLBA identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and community.

Also, a copy of the press release publicizing the selection of Horizon Community Church is posted on the USLBA website. USLBA hereby grants Horizon Community Church a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, distribute, and display this press release in any media formats and through any media channels.


Ashley Carter
Selection Committee Chair
U.S. Local Business Association

p.s. If the links are not working in this email please copy and paste the following URLs into your browser:
Award Order Form: https://www.uslba.net/Award.aspx?b=100585318&bc=1307609134
Press Release: https://www.uslba.net/PressRelease.aspx?b=100585318&bc=1307609134

Now don't get me wrong. I love my church and if you are ever in Cincinnati then you should stop by and worship with us. We do have great worship.

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