August 31, 2009

More about my dream for #kidmin

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Here is a little video talking about my dream for #kidmin or Children's Ministry. For more information or to sign up go to Let me know what you think.

TokBox - Free Video Chat and Video Messaging

Posted via web from matt mckee's posterous

August 22, 2009

Kill Devil Hills, NC


Download now or watch on posterous (12958 KB)

Posted via web from matt mckee's posterous

Daily Twitter Summary

What I'm doing and what I find interesting
  • 05:10 Working out.
  • 06:05 Today @Jessica_mckee and I celebrate our 10 year anniversary. I'm one blessed guy. #fb
  • 09:26 Facebook Launches a Twitter App // this is a big surprise but if you can't beat them, join them. #fb
  • 11:38 Packing and getting ready for vacation.
  • 13:49 Want to help take your ministry to the next level details at #PCCcoaching
  • 16:09 On the road. Heading to Nags Head, NC. I can't wait.
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter You can follow me on Twitter if you would like.

August 20, 2009

Posterous for iPhone: Instant Photo and Video Blogging


I'm really getting into Looking forward to using their new iPhone app on vacation over the next week.

Posted via web from matt mckee's posterous

August 19, 2009

Sign Wednesday: Don't try this at #Church

Here is an attempt by a church to be relevant with today's culture. As I said it's an attempt but it has failed.

 What do you think is the purpose behind the sign? Do you think they are going to reach their target with this sign?

 Here is what could have been better:

 1. Tear down the sign and publisize your own Facebook group
2. Start a Posterous page and start putting your thoughts on it.
3. Tear down the sign and educate the people of the church about Facebook.
4. Interact with groups on Facebook and pray for those who are really hurting.
5. Tear down the sign and create a video that tells the vision of your church and why people should bring in lost people. Upload that video to Facebook.
6. Take pictures of the environments in your church and post them to your Facebook page
7. Tear down the sign

Posted via email from mattmckee's posterous

Google's Chrome browser loads Web pages faster -

Someone thought you might be interested in the following story on :

 Google's Chrome browser loads Web pages faster

 To view the story, click the link or paste it into your browser.

 Copyright 2009,

Sent from my iPhone

Posted via email from mattmckee's posterous

August 13, 2009

How to be Successful

Yesterday I talked to the incoming freshman at a local high school. Below you will find the video of this talk. The video was shot with my iPhone 3Gs. As you can see the quality is not great but you will get the ideas. It is about 20 minutes long. There is a portion of the talk that I go "Francis Chan Passionate" on them, or at least that's what I call it.

How to be Successful from Matt McKee on Vimeo.

August 12, 2009

A Crazy Dream I have for #kidmin


I have a crazy dream. A dream that says that if 10 people come together, dream together, and work together that they could change the landscape for children not only in their community but for communities all over the world. I firmly believe this is possible and doable.

The questions that then come to mind are: How do these people come together? How do these people work together? What does this look like? How much work are we really talking about?

Yesterday a new opportunity launched. It's called the PCC Coaching Network. I happen to be one of the coaches in the network. The list of coaches that are doing this are incredible and I am humbled to be one of them. Seriously, Kenny Conley, Gina McClain, Aaron Abbott, and Kendra Fleming are just some of the awesome people involved. Check out this opportunity by going to the PCC Coaching Network website.

So why do I tell you about this opportunity instead of answering the questions? Because for me this opportunity answers the questions above. I'm not looking at this as a coaching/teaching opportunity so much but as a creation opportunity. I want to bring 10 people around a table and let them dream. Then push those 10 people to then create something not just for their community but for others. When you walk away after 6 months you should have tangible things that you can now implement. Things that are ready to launch. Think of it like Seth Godin's Alternative MBA program but for Children's Pastors. If you don't know what that is then read about here.

Let's finally answer the questions from above.

1. How does the people come together? Well we won't meet at my church because it won't be done until the end of next year. Therefore we will meet in fancy conference rooms around Cincinnati in which friends have loaned me or we will take field trips to a Children's Museums or we will meet at an Aquarium. Each meeting space will have a purpose and should help in creativity.

2. How do these people work together? There will be books that we all read and certain skill sets that we all will learn. Beyond that, you will decide what project you dream up. A project that will propel your community and other communities. We will work together to make sure you get your project done. By the way, if we can't get a project done in 6 months then I have failed the group.

3. What does this look like? One day a month for 6 months, (Starting in October and going through April. We skip December.) we will physically get together from 9:00am-3:00pm. There will be some teaching but truly it will be stretching, pulling, dreaming, and pushing to better each other. There will also be online collaboration using social media to make sure projects are moving forward.

4. How much work are we really talking about? That depends on how big your dream is and how much you are willing to put into it. Yes the goal is to have an environment, strategy, handbook, training tool, or whatever by the end that we can all share but the work will be seeing that we can make a difference.

So what other questions do you have? I would love to answer them.

I haven't been this excited about something in a long time. This group is limited and I am looking for people who are truly ready to make a difference. So let's do it. Let's change our communities and help others do the same.

August 5, 2009

How I got invited to the Playboy Mansion


Yes you read the title correctly. I have been invited to go to the Playboy Mansion for an event. It is a real invitation to a real event.

I posted this yesterday:

I just got invited to the Playboy Mansion. No joke. So what do you think, should I go?

to my twitter and facebook page and the comments have been plentiful. So I thought I would bring the conversation over to this platform as well.

Here are some sample comments:

That is a tough one, on one hand it is a singular life experience, but on the other definatly not a Godly place. But it might be a chance to turn a persons life to Christ, a person that no one else might get that chance to do because of turning down an opertunity based on preconceived notions of what goes on there. I say spend at least one night praying on it and speaking to others wiser than I.

Andy said he would go in your place in a heartbeat

Ain't what you think, I think, or anyone else for that matter - You better ask your lovely wife! Amy said if I ever got an invitation to go that she would answer my reply for me - No, not, never, nope and forget about it!

Man I think you should go-it is a once in a lifetime experience!

What was the purpose of the invite? I need more info to be able to weigh in - but keep in mind that Jesus would have gone.

I just wanna know how you managed to pull that off? I am SO jealous! Definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity--GO!

My 1st question is how did you get invited to go? What does your better half think about it? Is she going with you? Is she a jealous person? After you answer those I can tell you what I think about it!

R ya sure, I think going to the Mansion would look great on a Ministry Resume'...It could read something like this. Special Skills: Able to walk through the Playboy Mansion without being tempted. That should land you a Senior Pastor position! LOL!

Yeah, I agree. You shouldn't go. Just tell folks you did! Haha...

and here is my favorite one and it is from my wife...

I kinda think you should go

So how did I get invited to the Playboy Mansion? I was over at a friend's house talking to him about all kinds of things. He is an executive for a renewable energy company and owns another renewable energy company. He truly is the guy who can answer any question you have about alternative fuels. He is doing some fascinating work and I will highlight some of that in later posts. In fact I may start a series of post for Fridays that is totally geared toward fuel, but I digress. My friend has been invited to a party/convention/meet up with the most influential international players of renewable, alternative energy at the Playboy Mansion. His wife is not very keen on going so he asked me if I wanted to go. Business wise this is a huge opportunity for him and his companies and I would simply be going for friendship, accountability, and the opportunity to minister to a group of people who really need it.

Now don't get me wrong. I am a guy just like every other guy. Just because I am a pastor doesn't mean that I check all temptation at the door. I sin just as much as the next person. Do I have a problem with pornography? No. I have people who help keep me accountable to that. Am I tempted to lust? Yes and I believe everyone is tempted.

It comes down to the purpose of the trip doesn't it? I agree with the comment above that Jesus would go to the Playboy Mansion. He hung out with prostitutes and sinners all the time. I also believe that the people from would go in a heartbeat. ( If you don't know about then go to their site. It's fascinating.)

But what about you... Would you go to the Playboy Mansion? Do you think I should go to the Playboy Mansion? Why or why not?

(at this point I have turned down the offer, but I am reconsidering)

August 3, 2009

Ministry Monday: Can I help you?

I love helping out other people. Seriously, I love it. I do it all the time. Some people call it coaching and others call it consulting. Whatever you call it I get a real joy out of seeing other people succeed.

One prime example of this is helping out Melissa Buck start a VBS alternative. She and some of her volunteers came down to Cincinnati for a day and I was able to walk them through how we do Smash Camp. Here is the email that I received from her after her VBS alternative was over.

I just wanted to thank you for all your help in getting our MAX Camp off the ground! In case you don't remember, I'm from the Church in Holt, Michigan that came and visited you about starting a camp similar to SMASH. We seriously could not have done it without all the input you gave us. We had a pretty good turnout...about the same as last year with around ninety kids. There were about twenty in the preschool VBS part, so there were about seventy split up in the three tracks. Of those seventy kids, a little over half were from the community...which is the best we've ever had! Also, switching the focus from discipleship to evangelism really paid off...we had more salvations this year than in the past four years combined...and most of them were from community kids...Praise God!!! It was a really amazing week with a lot of happy kids. We held an end of the week doohicky on Friday night and we had over 200 people there. Our Pastor said he'd have bet a thousand bucks we wouldn't have been able to get anyone show up....I could've used the thousand bucks :) We're already looking forward to next year's camp and making it bigger and even better. Thank you so much for putting your idea out there for us to use and for guiding us along the way.

Thanks so much,

Melissa Buck
Cedar Street Church
P.S. My brother is a Children's Minister over in the thumb, and he recently started using Elevate...and he wanted me to tell you how much he likes it.

I can't think of a better email to receive. A matter of fact, I would love to receive one like this from you. I would love to help you out. Up to this point it has been very informal but a very formal way is coming soon. Stay tuned to some very exciting stuff coming. I can't wait.

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