April 20, 2009

Ministry Monday: Fashion Evangelism?

(photo from yourfashionblog.com)

This past weekend I heard 2 sports talk radio hosts talking about what they wear to church. You read that correct. I was hoping to hear something about the NBA playoffs or the upcoming NFL draft but instead I got a discussion on whether or not you should dress up to go to church.

I found it fascinating. One, because I really do like clothes and two because I of course I really like church. One of the guys thought it was appalling that people wore jeans, t-shirts, and tennis shoes. The other guy that it was ridiculous that people thought they had to wear a suit. Where do you come down on this issue? Do you care? Does it matter?

This morning while at Starbucks I had a very nice barista lady tell me, "If your church is as half as cool as you dress then I'm coming this weekend." She of course got a little extra tip even though I don't think that was the intention. She was just being kind but really did make my day. People give me a hard time quite often about how I dress in Cincinnati. If I was in Dallas no one would think anything about it but Cincinnati is a much more conservative town. In fact I have toned down the way I dress a lot since I moved here.

So what about your dress outside of Sunday or should I say outside of church? As a pastor or minister does it matter? Should pastors care about looking trendy, casual, or even business like? Can there be evangelism through what you wear? These are all of the questions I have had since this morning's conversation with a really nice barista.

By the way, one of my secrets on how to look fashionable but not spend high end prices is to go to stores like the Buckle, MetroPark, Nordstrom, Sak's 5th Avenue, and try on clothes. See what fits and what you like. Don't buy it there though. Then go to TJ Maxx or even Ebay.com and buy it there. It will save you money and you still look good.


3 Responses to "Ministry Monday: Fashion Evangelism?"
  1. jonathan said...
    April 20, 2009 at 5:11 PM

    Now you've gotten me all scared about letting your ride in my rental at Orange next week...Mr. White Pants.

  2. Justin D. Tapp said...
    April 21, 2009 at 12:09 PM

    "If your church is as half as cool as you dress then I'm coming this weekend."
    I'm curious to know if she shows up.

    I find I don't want to believe that story.

  3. Matt McKee said...
    April 26, 2009 at 2:44 PM

    Jonathan, I can't wait to wear my white pants by the way. I don't think I will be wearing them on the plane though so picking me up from the airport should be fine.

    Justin, I can't believe you think I made this up. I twittered it as soon as it happened. I was floored by it so much I wrote about it here. And by the way, I didn't see her this weekend at our church. Of course I wasn't out front but I will see her at Starbucks and ask her if she came.


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