May 27, 2008

Off Topic: Have you been faked?

Did you know that there is a new way to know that you are successful? There is believe me. How do you know? When someone is faking to be you on the net, that's how.

Fake Steve Jobs was a story and a half. Of course there is a bunch of fakes on Twitter. There is FakeSharpton, FakeYouTube, and FakeObama plus many, many more.

But those are not the ones that I made me chuckle. The one that makes me laugh the most is the FakeEdYoung on Twitter. How did I find FakeEdYoung? I am preaching this weekend on how to get over your Identity Crisis and wanted to see what would happen if I searched for "Fake" people on Twitter. Buried on page 10 I found FakeEdYoung. Seriously, this person has nothing better to do with their time then to be a fake preacher. Don't get me wrong, I like Ed a whole lot. I worked under him for 5 years. I still listen to his sermons. I look to him for what is happening next in the church. Still I don't see how this is helping this person or him. Talk about an Identity Crisis. If you can't be yourself and have to be someone else then you are having a really bad day. So to whoever is FakeEdYoung, I hope that you find yourself in the midst of your searching and pretending. I also hope that you don't work at Fellowship Church and Ed finds out. That would be a very bad day.

Now I didn't find any FakeMattMcKee out there but when I do I will know that I have finally become successful. Have you been faked? Of all of my readers I bet you that the one that will be faked first will be either Terry Storch or Tony Mogan. Let's see who does it first. . .


2 Responses to "Off Topic: Have you been faked?"
  1. Anonymous said...
    May 27, 2008 at 5:51 PM

    I can't tell you how close I just was to creating a fakeMattMcKee on twitter.
    1. I thought it would make you feel successful :)
    2. I just don't have the time right now... maybe later though...

  2. Anonymous said...
    May 28, 2008 at 11:43 AM

    what would be cool is if someone faked me.



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