January 3, 2008

Tech Thursday: It's a Bad Day. . .

It's a bad day when you buy a video camera on eBay for Christmas and the only thing that you can get off of it is audio.

It's a bad day when you e-mail the seller of the video camera and eBay tells you that the seller doesn't speak English and they are not going to translate the e-mail for you. Of course the listing was in English and said it was in excellent condition.

It's a bad day when your beloved cell phone quits working because the reset button shorts out on you.

It's a bad day when you didn't buy the insurance and the warranty is out and the only suggestion they have for you is to buy a new phone.

It's a bad day when you didn't backup any of the information on your phone that just broke for last 3 months.

It's a bad day when the new to you (used) tablet pc that you were so looking forward to using isn't going to work out because it only has 256 mb of ram and you can't upgrade it.

It's a bad day when you forget to take your XM radio out of your wife's car and you have to listen to ESPN radio on AM in Cincinnati.

It's a bad day when you main computer isn't recognizing your SD slot and therefore you can't get the videos and pictures that you took onto your computer.

It's a bad day when all of the beloved technology that you rely on and that makes your life better most days fails you.

So welcome to my bad day.


2 Responses to "Tech Thursday: It's a Bad Day. . ."
  1. Anonymous said...
    January 3, 2008 at 3:42 PM

    Technology is a wonderful thing until you need it.

  2. JTapp said...
    January 3, 2008 at 4:48 PM

    With your tablet PC, can you upgrade to Windows Vista and then use a flash drive to act as RAM? Just a thought, seems like that one advantage of Vista might come in handy if you can't upgrade your memory.

    Haha, see my own post from last year about not buying insurance on the phone. Best racket in town.

    I might still be happy to take that phone off your hands.


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