May 18, 2007

Environment Changes

Over the last 10 and maybe 15 years the environments of Children's Ministry spaces have really changed for the better. Churches have put major amounts of money into decorating these spaces to attract young families with kids and to show that they believe in Children's Ministry. First off, let me say that I am exceedingly glad that this change has occurred. I can't stand walking into a church and seeing beige walls with tiny signs and little to no effort put into the space for children, and then you go to the adult space it is all decked out with eye pleasing graphics and banners. If you are at a church like this you are basically telling everyone who walks in the door that you don't care about their kids. You are also probably wondering why more kids are not coming but that is not the point of this post. The point of this post is talk about what I think would be the best use of the environment and space that you have for your Children's Ministry. So here goes...

Roger Fields has put together a great list of churches who have very good environments for their kids. Here is the link. These churches have hired companies like Wacky World, Worlds of Wow, Creative for Kids, and others to do the decorating for them. I believe this was a good first step in the process but I don't believe this is the best use. Don't get me wrong. I think Bruce Barry is a genius and his animations and art are incredible, but I don't think it is the best use of $100,000 to $1,000,000 to decorate your space. No I didn't add to many zeros and I will explain why I think this later in the post.

The second step in the process came when churches like Fellowship and others decided to buy a large format printer or plotter and started creating their own environments. This step is much more cost effective and gives churches more flexibility, and I even have a HP5500 42 inch plotter downstairs in our office space as I type. In fact it is printing right now a piece for this weekend. By the way, I got this printer for $3,200 and use it like crazy. I print off all of my own sets, backdrops, signs, and props that change every 6 to 8 weeks and print off a new environment for our children's space at least twice a year. If you are at a church with neutral walls please at least look at buying a used plotter and start decorating your space. It doesn't take that long to learn how to use it and it will change your image overnight. It maybe the best change that you make in your ministry over the next year. After saying all of this, I don't think that having a plotter and doing everything yourself is the best use of resources. It maybe the best option right now but still not the best use.

Why don't I like the 2 things above? I don't like the second option because you have amateurs doing what professionals can do a lot better. You are also having your ministers take all of their time and are having them worry about the environment and less about people. Ministry is truly about people isn't it. It is also very taxing on the staff and very taxing on the volunteers who you con into joining you to spend the night at the church while you put your heart and soul into the space. I believe excellence is the key and having amateurs and ministers doing it is not the best option. It is a good option but not the best option.

I don't believe the first option works because our environments have to change at least once a year. I mean think about it this way. Grocery stores change where things are in their store so that you notice new stuff that they want you to buy. Billboards change advertisements on them not because someone new bought the space but because if it didn't change you would quit looking and not notice it anymore. Even Disney, Six Flags, and all other theme parks change rides, attractions, and shows every year so that you keep coming back. This is not to mention that our culture is going to change every 5 to 7 years and this means our kids are changing and our families are changing. Why in the world would you invest $500,000 into something that doesn't change. Believe me, if you paid Wacky World that kind of money and then went to your pastor in 4 years and said I think we need to change all of this and get a new environment because none of our people notice it anymore and we need another $500,000 to make that change, you would be shot, hung, and then fired. Think about it. People come to your church every week or every other week and don't notice the signs you do have up or the bulletin board that you changed because they have been their since 1950. Now the first option is the most professional way to get a great looking space but you have spent way to much up front and the upkeep is going to kill you to keep it looking fresh.

So what do I think would be the best use of our resources? So what is the solution? What is the challenge? If you couldn't tell, I have some passion on this subject. I believe the answer is this. Wacky World, Worlds of Wow, and others, I challenge you to come up with a way to make my space change every year. Come up with a system of decorations that churches could buy for a yearly fee and let those churches trade with one another. You basically need to develop 8-10 different themes that could be incorporated into many different spaces. Charge us like a company who says you pay for what you want and you get to pick and choose what fits your space. Instead of charging me $500,000 for a one time deal, charge me $25,000 a year and give me a new look every year. Come ON... Start letting the professionals do the work for the environments and the pastors minister to the families and have excellence in both areas. It shouldn't be an either/or but it should be a both/and. If you could figure this out then you would have 500 churches knocking on your door and I hope that would be enough profit to get the thing done. I do understand that professionals run businesses and it has to make money, but if I told you of a business plan that had 500 accounts off the bat and once you showed that you could be trusted and your product was excellent that the potential for 50,000. I would have many Venture Capitalist calling me wanting to know how to invest. I am not suggesting a hand out. I am suggesting that we work together for the best environment for our kids and the best relationship building for our families. Let's get this done.


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