August 12, 2009

A Crazy Dream I have for #kidmin

I have a crazy dream. A dream that says that if 10 people come together, dream together, and work together that they could change the landscape for children not only in their community but for communities all over the world. I firmly believe this is possible and doable.

The questions that then come to mind are: How do these people come together? How do these people work together? What does this look like? How much work are we really talking about?

Yesterday a new opportunity launched. It's called the PCC Coaching Network. I happen to be one of the coaches in the network. The list of coaches that are doing this are incredible and I am humbled to be one of them. Seriously, Kenny Conley, Gina McClain, Aaron Abbott, and Kendra Fleming are just some of the awesome people involved. Check out this opportunity by going to the PCC Coaching Network website.

So why do I tell you about this opportunity instead of answering the questions? Because for me this opportunity answers the questions above. I'm not looking at this as a coaching/teaching opportunity so much but as a creation opportunity. I want to bring 10 people around a table and let them dream. Then push those 10 people to then create something not just for their community but for others. When you walk away after 6 months you should have tangible things that you can now implement. Things that are ready to launch. Think of it like Seth Godin's Alternative MBA program but for Children's Pastors. If you don't know what that is then read about here.

Let's finally answer the questions from above.

1. How does the people come together? Well we won't meet at my church because it won't be done until the end of next year. Therefore we will meet in fancy conference rooms around Cincinnati in which friends have loaned me or we will take field trips to a Children's Museums or we will meet at an Aquarium. Each meeting space will have a purpose and should help in creativity.

2. How do these people work together? There will be books that we all read and certain skill sets that we all will learn. Beyond that, you will decide what project you dream up. A project that will propel your community and other communities. We will work together to make sure you get your project done. By the way, if we can't get a project done in 6 months then I have failed the group.

3. What does this look like? One day a month for 6 months, (Starting in October and going through April. We skip December.) we will physically get together from 9:00am-3:00pm. There will be some teaching but truly it will be stretching, pulling, dreaming, and pushing to better each other. There will also be online collaboration using social media to make sure projects are moving forward.

4. How much work are we really talking about? That depends on how big your dream is and how much you are willing to put into it. Yes the goal is to have an environment, strategy, handbook, training tool, or whatever by the end that we can all share but the work will be seeing that we can make a difference.

So what other questions do you have? I would love to answer them.

I haven't been this excited about something in a long time. This group is limited and I am looking for people who are truly ready to make a difference. So let's do it. Let's change our communities and help others do the same.


3 Responses to "A Crazy Dream I have for #kidmin"
  1. Rindy Walton said...
    August 12, 2009 at 5:28 PM

    I love this!! I have thought about this same type of started within the denomination, but as I began working with multiple churches in multiple denominations, it grew. I just wasn't sure what it all really looked like! There's a lot of good stuff and a lot of great people that need to be connected!!

  2. Jessica Fleming said...
    August 12, 2009 at 6:10 PM


    I want to be in your group! I wish there was a way we could all get together before we start. Would be fun to swap notes.

    Looks like your content is going to be visionary, creative, inspiring, and challenging!


  3. Anthony Prince said...
    August 12, 2009 at 11:40 PM

    seriously, I feel left out here on the West Coast.

    great idea though, my friend.


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