June 22, 2009

Ministry Monday: It's time for NEW

Have you ever tried to do something new? Whether it was a new game to play or a new skill to learn, it seems to change you in some way. Whether you liked the new thing or not it changes your perspective. It makes you look at things a little bit differently. I am a firm believer that things need to be new or they will go unnoticed. This weekend was our weekend of NEW.

This past weekend was one of those times that we thought we would try some new things. We started a new ministry for 5th/6th graders called Freedom 56. It was in a new location. With a new setup that we had never done before. It had a new computer, screen, and sound system. We also started a new curriculum for them called Grapple from Group Publishing. We also had a new check-in station for these kids as well. Now if that was not enough new things we thought we would also pile onto that a new series in elementary, new classroom age breakdowns, promotion of all grades, new check-in computers, a new set for elementary and Jr. High, and a new curriculum for all of elementary called BIG by Hillsong Kids.

Here is what I say... If you are going to change something why not just go ahead and change most things?

When was the last time you changed something at your church, business, or organization? When you make something new people notice. It changes their perspective. New makes it to where people are willing to be moved in a different direction. What else could you ask for as a church, business, or organization?

New doesn't happen easy. It takes a lot of time, effort, and a little bit of sweat. In the end though, it is well worth. I think it's time for NEW.


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