May 11, 2008

Ministry Monday: @ Group Publishing

Okay, so it is not Monday yet but I wanted to give you a heads up on where I will be over the next 3 days. I fly out of DAY at 6:30am (eastern time) and arrive in Denver at 7:34am (mountain time). I am going to be hanging out at Group Publishing with 20 other Children's/Family pastors from around the nation. We are going to be covering or should I say talking about 5 major trends effecting churches today. The 5 trends are:

1. Safety First: Where are we headed?
2. Wired Ministry: Use of Technology to communicate to a Media-Savvy Generation
3. Family Ministry: What does that look like?
4. Experience Required: Hands-on learning for faith discovery
5. Volunteers: Recruiting, equipping, and retaining

I am looking forward to all of them but as you probably guessed already the one I am most interested in is the Wired Ministry trend. The one that I am least excited about is Safety First but who knows.

So what is this conference or as Group would say this conversation? Basically it is a chance to get away and dream, learn, and let iron sharpen iron. Believe it or not I choose this over the Orange Conference. I know, I know, but after reading all of the Children's Pastors and Youth Pastors that were at Orange I feel I was there anyway.

Expect many blog post over the next 3 days and if you want the real inside scoop then follow me on Twitter.


2 Responses to "Ministry Monday: @ Group Publishing"
  1. jonathan said...
    May 11, 2008 at 11:19 PM

    I'd rather be stuck in traffic in Denver than Atlanta any day! Have a great time, and do feed us some twitter thoughts while your out.

  2. Anonymous said...
    May 12, 2008 at 3:26 PM

    Sorry, just caught up with what you are doing. Sounds really interesting. I'd like to be there. Be sure to blog it big time... I want info!


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