May 13, 2008

@ Group: Wired Ministry - Use of Technology to Communicate


Why is Wired ministry important?
Perception to the family and kids, it helps us communicate in a new way, it gets us in the home in
a new way, it enhances relationships and not replaces,

What ways do you use technology?
The web (blogs, facebook, twitter, youtube, ect), printing technologies, digital screens, text
messages, e-mail, videos, security, environment pieces, music, satellite campuses

What are the possible issues of being coming to High-Tech?
incorporating it as a relational piece, being a major distraction, security, leaving behind a
generation, becoming more passive, use it to control to much on the basis of consistency,

Where can we go from here?
(you get to add your thoughts here)


1 Response to "@ Group: Wired Ministry - Use of Technology to Communicate"
  1. Peter Schott said...
    May 13, 2008 at 1:47 PM

    Just one comment on using wired communication - we did this for our Barbershop chorus (average age - definitely over 50). We started by sending out regular e-mails with information that was also repeated in our weekly rehearsals. More and more people got on board, some getting an e-mail account just for that purpose. We've now switched over to 90%+ using e-mail and our web site to get the necessary information and music.

    We didn't cut over straight with no transition period and people could see the advantages of the electronic communications. That period helped quite a bit to get people comfortable with the idea until it is now our main form of communication (especially when an announcement starts going long).

    For church use, I'd really like us to get our announcements done well up on our screens. People just notice them more than the bulletins and we could reduce the talking time for our announcements. We use e-mail informally and have had to be careful there. Some people get a hold of a bunch of e-mail addresses and just send "junk" to them - not necessarily bad stuff, but time-wasting stuff more often than not. Some people also lack discernment in what should be shared to the whole list and if you send by e-mail - it's out there.

    Sounds like you're getting a lot of this meeting time. I'm enjoying the updates.


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