May 12, 2008

@ Group: Family Ministry - What does this look like?

The Opening Questions:

Who was the biggest spiritual influence in your life?
most people are saying Mom, Dad, Grandparent

What changes are you making today to go Green?
organic food, changed light bulbs, driving new vehicles, etc.

How is our culture marketing the importance of going Green?
save money, become famous, your not responsible if you aren't going green, school curriculum,
Earth Day, Arbor Day, fear and guilt tactics, purpose for living, legislation, created a new story,
evoked emotion, worked through the kids, the point was brought home

How is this strategy similar to family ministry?
practical ideas that reinforce that small changes make big difference, purpose for living,
empowered kids, curriculum creation/product creation, create a new story

How are we different and what can we learn from the Green movement?
Green has shown value added principles at every level of involvement and we can do much
better at showing value added principles at every level of family no matter what the family
looks like.

10 things we can do or families can do to revolutionize ministry in the home in 20 years

1. Build intentional relationships with families that aren't involved
2. Community Involvement of the ministers and volunteers
3. Encourage Family Night activities at least once a month
4. Talking points for dinner time
5. Leverage Technology
6. Enjoyable experiences outside of church
7. Communicate the main point at least 3 different ways
8. Create milestones throughout the families life and do them well
9. Take it home events
10. Easy weekly conversation


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