March 5, 2008

Sign Wednesday: Creation Museum

Last Thursday I went to the Creation Museum in the Cincinnati area. No matter how you feel about the content of the museum, you have to be impressed by the atmosphere of the place. Of course while I was there I took a bunch of pictures of signs. What can I say, I am a sign geek. I guess it was a little distracting because when we left my wife said, "Maybe next time we go we could just walk through it since you have a picture of all of the signs."

So here you go. Here are the best and worst of the signs of the Creation Museum. #1 is the best in my opinion and #7 is the worst. Enjoy.

I love 3-D sculpted signs and this one rocks. Sorry for the shadow but you could read it very well.

This one has 8 layers and the guy in closest to me is life size. Very well done and cut out of gator board. Impressive.

A cut out stained window with a LCD screen behind it showing you what is going on in church. Very Slick.

Every wall can be a sign. When the entire wall is a sign I like it.

Great use of adding interest to what could have been a very boring sign. 2 signs are better than one in some cases.

Standard kind of boring. Makes little impact and gives information but not a lot of wow.

Good idea but horrible execution. This guy makes me laugh again and again. Seriously just look at him long enough and you to will think Microsoft is cooler than Apple.


4 Responses to "Sign Wednesday: Creation Museum"
  1. Jessica said...
    March 6, 2008 at 8:03 AM

    I think our pre-marital counseling should have dealt with this sign-geek thing. I was not properly prepared for the impact it would have on our daily lives. BUT I love ya anyway and I've sure learned a lot about signs!

  2. stlgrafaner said...
    March 7, 2008 at 6:03 PM

    Ouch about the "cut-out" sign comments (photo #7)!

    Poor add insult to injury, he's a fanatical Mac user!


  3. Matt McKee said...
    March 10, 2008 at 12:31 AM

    This was not suppose to be disrespect to Carl but you really might want to think about that sign and all of the other ones like it. Also the Microsoft comment is more about the plaid shirt and not about how much he likes Apple. I am becoming a fan boy myself.

  4. stlgrafaner said...
    March 15, 2008 at 10:43 AM

    I didn't mean to imply you were disrespecting Carl!

    The irony about the cut-out, is that Carl is more likely to be seen wearing a hawaiian shirt, than a plaid shirt...even in the offices.

    Any comments you have about the signage, or the museum, would have more "impact" if you sent them in yourself. All comments are read and then tabulated to see if there is a pattern or general issue needing to be addressed. Believe me, comments from the public are taken into account!


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