November 22, 2007

Today I am Thankful for. . .

. . .how much grace God has shown me over the years
. . .a loving wife that shows it in more ways than I can express
. . .2 boys that are absolutely adorable even if they didn't sleep last night
. . .a family who stop anything to help out anyone in need
. . .a church that believes in me and my ministry
. . .friends that laugh at my stupid jokes and give to charities that they don't know much about
. . .readers that keep coming back for some strange reason
. . .pumpkin pie and pineapple stuff
. . .technology that improves my day and it is getting better
. . .creativity from people like you that inspire me

Today what are you thankful for?


1 Response to "Today I am Thankful for. . ."
  1. Anonymous said...
    November 27, 2007 at 7:38 AM

    i am thankful i am alive healthy and Saved even though i haven't got everything yet


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