November 16, 2009

Ministry Monday: I work for a Deuteronomy Church and I like it.

I went to church every week from the time I was born until until I graduated high school.  Sometimes that church was a Christian Church and other times that church was a Baptist Church.  I went to many church functions over those years.  In fact, I went to many things that I didn't understand like church potlucks.  Church potlucks never seemed like a celebration to me but that is what most people in the church called them.  How in the world do you celebrate with mystery meatballs, quiche, fried chicken, fruit in Jello, and Shepard's pie?  As a kid it was hard to see the celebration and as an adult I think it is even harder. 

When was the last time you read Deuteronomy 14:22-27?  I'm guessing it has probably been a while if ever.  Warning for all of my Southern Baptist friends out there this might be hard to swallow, just saying.  Here it is from the New Living Translation:

22 "You must set aside a tithe of your crops—one-tenth of all the crops you harvest each year.23 Bring this tithe to the designated place of worship—the place the Lord your God chooses for his name to be honored—and eat it there in his presence. This applies to your tithes of grain, new wine, olive oil, and the firstborn males of your flocks and herds. Doing this will teach you always to fear the Lord your God.  24 "Now when the Lord your God blesses you with a good harvest, the place of worship he chooses for his name to be honored might be too far for you to bring the tithe.25 If so, you may sell the tithe portion of your crops and herds, put the money in a pouch, and go to the place the Lord your God has chosen.26 When you arrive, you may use the money to buy any kind of food you want—cattle, sheep, goats, wine, or other alcoholic drink. Then feast there in the presence of the Lord your God and celebrate with your household.27 And do not neglect the Levites in your town, for they will receive no allotment of land among you.

There is nothing taken out of context by this passage.  If you feel like you shouldn't drink alcohol then I don't think you should either.  This celebration that we are reading about happens once a year and not every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  I do find it interesting though that God in this passage is saying that you should celebrate with the tithes and offerings.  You should celebrate God by throwing a party for the things He has provided.  I think that's awesome.

Let me tell you what my church did this past Saturday.  We threw a party.  We had it at a local country club and asked people to dress up.  We had food, a band, dancing, and yes we even had wine.  Why would we do such a thing?  It is quite simple.  We wanted to celebrate what God has done through our campaign for our new church building and invite anyone who hasn't pledged yet and wanted to an opportunity to do so.  We read Deuteronomy 14 and said why don't we do that?

Can I tell you that it was fun?  I had a blast dancing with my wife.  It was great to see people of our church have fun and celebrate their giving.  It was a unique experience that I had never had before. 

What would your church say if you asked, "Can I take some of the tithes and offerings and go to the local party store to throw a celebration about what God is doing at our church?"  I'm glad mine said, "You know what, that's not a bad idea."

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