January 5, 2009

Interaction is ALIVE

Wired Magazine wrote last year that blogging is dead. The article goes on to say that services like Twitter, Flickr, and Facebook have replaced this once hot service. So what is the point? Interaction on blogs have slowed way down and is moving to other areas. Why? Because it is easier to interact in Twitter. It's easier to keep up with your friends in Facebook. People want to interact with each other. They want to be able to ask questions and get answers. They want to be able to share their life with others and in return learn, grow, and just maybe earn a little respect. Can blogging come back to life? Of course it can. But only if interaction comes back to blogging.

Here is my plan for interaction for 2009.

Twitter- you can follow me, ask questions, see what I'm doing, and read what I think is interesting all by becoming my friend or following me at http://www.twitter.com/mattmckee. I reply and the most interaction through this service. It is by far the easiest way for my to interact.

Facebook- you can become my friend and get all of my Tweets from Twitter by reading my status on Facebook. You see, I update Twitter and it updates Facebook. So you get all of the benefits of what I am doing but I don't interact as much. I will do better in 2009 with the interaction through Facebook but it is harder. Why? It is an extra step for me to log-in and find your response so that I can then interact. Therefore interaction is not as quick.

McKeelive.com- I will continue this site. I enjoy it. It is a nice form of experession and tidbits of information. Thank you to all of my readers. Here is my promise for 2009 because I don't want this site to be dead. If you comment on one of my post. I promise to at least acknoledge by saying thank you. I hope that we can have healthy conversations even when we may disagree.

Qik.com- I love this little service. Being able to do live video from my cell phone is just stinking cool. If you follow me on twitter or facebook then you will get a notice that I am about to go live and you can actually interact with me while I am shooting video from my phone. You can comment on what is being videoed by going to http://www.qik.com/mattmckee while it is live. If you just want to check out the videos after the fact, then come here and check out the qik feed on the right hand side of this site. I am really excited about this in 2009.

Tokbox.com- This is a a video conferencing site that I am stoked about for 2009 as well. This is where you can video call through your computer for free or get in a "room" with a lot of people and discuss topics. This is the best service for this so far and it is Flash based so it works with Macs and PCs without anything to download. You can become my friend by going to http://www.tokbox.com/mattmckee

And Finally----

E-mail- If you really want to get a hold of me for some reason and you don't care when I get back to you, then send an old school e-mail. My e-mail address is matt@mckeelive.com.

I look forward to the interaction this year. I can't wait to find new ways to learn and be apart of people's lives.


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