November 10, 2008

Ministry Monday: Sometimes It's Messy

Have you ever wondered what it is like to do ministry as a profession? I know that many people who read these thoughts of mine are professional ministers but for those of you who are not I just thought I would let you into our world for a moment. The world in which can be messy at times. What do I mean by messy?

Messy is having to go to the hospital to visit a close personal friend who tried to commit suicide and failed.

Messy is sitting down with a Dad who is trying his best to help his son quit looking at pornography.

Messy is coming along side a student who has spina bifida who just broke both of her legs.

Messy is discovering pictures of one of your student volunteers on MySpace doing beer bongs.

Messy is having to have answers at 4 family member's funerals in the last 3 months.

Messy is reaching out to a friend over and over again who keeps falling down.

Messy is having to call all the parents of the 3rd-4th grade boys in your Children's Ministry because of disrespect issues.

Messy is dealing with falling short on more of the needs that you find out about then being able to help.

Messy is navigating a fine line of grace and justice.

These are just some of my messes of ministry. I have talked many times about the perks and the joys that come with being a professional pastor. I have talked about the hope that I have in God and the people that I get to minister around. None of those things change. God still is abundant with mercy and love. There are just some days that you look up and see a mess around you. Those are the days that I call Messy Ministry Days.


2 Responses to "Ministry Monday: Sometimes It's Messy"
  1. Larry Shallenberger said...
    November 10, 2008 at 3:27 PM

    Hang in there, Matt.

    I appreciate your ministry-- will say a prayer for your peace, joy, and energy.

  2. Todd McKeever said...
    November 14, 2008 at 10:03 AM

    The great thing about ministry being messy though is that through that messiness, God's strength is shown more and more and my dependence on Him grows even stronger.

    From the messiness of Jesus diapers to the strength of the Man and Savior Jesus Christ - what an adventure it is for us all.

    Glory to God and His perfect plan.


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