October 23, 2008

Tech Thursday: The SMART Table

Thank you Engadget for the heads up and the video concerning the SMART Table. The following video is a classroom of kids in Chicago, IL. They are the first to play with the SMART Table. What is the SMART TABLE? It is the Microsoft Surface computer that has been modified for kids. A couple of weeks ago I told you that I was bored with technology because of the lack of innovation. This is a product and advancement that gets me excited. There is huge potential here for learning and small group interaction. Kids can learn through play and activity all at the same time. This will be huge.

Here is the video snippets from Engadget:


3 Responses to "Tech Thursday: The SMART Table"
  1. Sam Luce said...
    October 23, 2008 at 2:32 PM

    very cool even for Microsoft (lol mac user bias)

  2. Dustin Aagaard said...
    October 24, 2008 at 10:42 PM

    that's flippin sweet, wonder what they cost?

  3. Anonymous said...
    October 26, 2008 at 10:32 PM

    Correction, this is a SMART Technologies product, www.smarttech.com.


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