August 4, 2008

Ministry Monday: Mary Kay, Estrogen Overload, and Priorities

About 4 months ago my wife, Jessica, came home and told me that she was going to sign up and sell Mary Kay. It is not that we needed the money, even though who couldn't use some extra cash, but she wanted to do something. I said great and didn't know exactly what this meant. Last week I spent most of the week in Dallas, TX at the Mary Kay National Seminar with her. Yes, I went to a Mary Kay event and after attending I am proud to say that my wife sells Mary Kay products. Going into the conference I was not sure about the whole thing. You know, the whole business opportunity thing and the idea that Jessica would be told "No" more than should would be told "Yes". So what changed my mind?

Was it seeing the pink Cadillacs in person? No, but I would drive one if I had too.
Was it seeing ladies win diamond rings? No I am not a big jewelry fan
Was it being surrounded by 10,000 ladies? a big NO there
Was it the amount of money that I saw ladies making? another big NO

So what was it?

First it was the companies priorities. Did you know that Mary Kay is a Christian business that believes in God first, Family second, and Career third? Believe it or not it is very true. Almost everyone who stepped foot on stage and spoke somehow quoted scripture. Some churches have a hard time doing this. Seriously, what businesses do you know of that teach these priorities? This was not a passing thing either but one that was quoted over and over and over. I want my wife to have these priorities, in fact I want myself to have these priorities. That being said I want my 2 boys to grow up and have these as well.

The second reason my mind was changed was the level of excellence that I saw everywhere in the organization. Now I know that they had their best foot forward and they were trying their hardest to impress everyone who was there, but again I have been to many companies and churches that even at their best couldn't reach the level I experienced last week. The stage design was incredible, the signs were very, very good, the videos were professional, and the cameras shots were remarkable for being live. Again few places reach this level of excellence even trying their best.

The third reason my mind was changed was the message that I heard from one of the husbands. He was asked, "How do you deal with your wife being so successful?" Now I know that he has had to answer this many times but his answer was incredible and I will steal it in the future. He opened up his Bible and read Proverbs 31. Proverbs 31 if you are not familiar is the chapter in the Bible that talks about the characteristics of a Godly woman. After reading this chapter he said as her husband it is his job to help her become more Godly and that her Mary Kay business is helping them both do that. He went on to preach some more. Believe me when I say it was impressive.

Now don't get me wrong, I did hear of woman making over 8 million dollars and going on trips to Rome and everywhere else in the world. I heard ladies talk about their vacation homes all over the place. I heard a lot about how much money could be made with Mary Kay. Then I heard it explained that if you were there for the money that you weren't going to make it in the business. I heard the most successful lady in the company say that if you aren't willing to be a servant than you should just go ahead and leave. They talked more about helping people than making money. I truly couldn't believe it.

I went into this conference very skeptical looking for all the negatives. I came out thanking God that my wife gets to stay home with the boys, do something that she enjoys, and is told that God must be first. So for all you Mary Kay haters out there, I looked for all the negatives and came up short. The only major problem I saw this past week was that I got Estrogen Overload. Other than that, if you or your wife would like to buy some Mary Kay, I am proud to say that you can go to

Yes, believe it or not I saw ministry happen this past week, tons of ministry. Ministry that was targeted to ladies and somehow even hit me.


3 Responses to "Ministry Monday: Mary Kay, Estrogen Overload, and Priorities"
  1. Jessica said...
    August 4, 2008 at 10:48 PM

    Thank you, dear! Where would I be without your support?!?

    BTW, if anyone is interested in joining this wonderfully Godly company, now's the time to do it! We're offering an incredible promotion for new consultants who sign on in August (this is something that's never been done before in our 45 year history!). Send me an e-mail from my personal web site and I'll tell you all about it!

  2. nancymkqueen said...
    August 5, 2008 at 9:46 AM

    This is a great post! I have been in business for almost 23 years and this is the first time that I missed a Mary Kay Seminar. ( I attended one year in a wheelchair after a severe car accident and promised my husband that I would not go again if I was not able to do all the walking, standing & sitting involved) This business has been a vehicle for me to stay at home and raise my 3 sons, keeping those priorities in order. In 2003 my husband Alex retired from the US Army and decided to work full time with me in my business. Because of his help doing the things that I am not good at (administrative, inventory management, etc) I was Sales Director Queen of Personal Sales in 2005, then First Runner up in 2007. Last year I also led one of my consultants to First Runner up in the Consultant's court of sales. I am telling you this so that you use your new knowledge of how great this Company is to support your wife any way that you can. It truly will make a difference. When she is down or discouraged, make sure that she contacts someone who understands and has been through it. Attitude is 100% of this business.
    Thank you for posting on twitter for me.(I am @nancymk) I missed being there sooo much and those updates really helped me. If there is ever anything that Alex and I can do to encourage your wife, don't hesitate to contact us. God bless you with abundance and I will see you at the top!!!!

  3. JTapp said...
    August 5, 2008 at 10:13 AM

    I'm really surprised that a convention with thousands of women had really good signs and stage design. :-)

    Here's to the first million that she makes, and remember family when you get your first vacation home.

    (I believe it's Proverbs 31, not Psalm 31).


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