April 16, 2008

Sign Wednesday: Over-Deliver

Here is a great sign sent to me by Sam Luce. If you are a children's pastor and you are not reading his blog then shame on you. He has great insight and he uses a Mac. How can you not like the guy?

Now onto the sign.

First off, the store in which this comes from is not known for good signs. One of their competitors known as Target is known for great signs. So when I received this I was not surprised by the lack of effort and overall quality. I was also not surprised by the spelling of "guarrantee". By the way it should be guarantee, but I can't say to much because I am sure if you look on this page alone you will find many mistakes.

What does surprise me about this sign? Why not put it over the price? Why is it guaranteed? Aren't all prices at this stored guaranteed? I mean, don't get me wrong, I have never bought anything at this store where the price on the tag was one thing and I paid $3 more just for fun. If they are not guaranteeing the price then are the guaranteeing the game? Like it would be that hard to take something back to this store. They take back stuff that they don't sell anymore or have never sold. Believe me I have done that as well. Also who makes up the last number on the prices? Does it really matter that it is $26.93 instead of $26.99. Do they really think I am going to drive out of my way because I can save that extra $.06? I would rather they make my experience better and the experience of their workers better and charge me the extra.

The best part part about the sign is that they have under-promised and over-delivered. The under-promise of $29.92 and the over-deliver of now $26.93. I don't know about you but I need to more of the under-promise and over-deliver technique. To many times I do the opposite of over-promise and under-deliver.


1 Response to "Sign Wednesday: Over-Deliver"
  1. Anonymous said...
    April 19, 2008 at 10:19 PM

    The funny thing about that sign is that as a pathological misspeller I noticed the misspelling.


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