August 30, 2007

1 year, 100 posts, You liked...

This is my 100th post. I know for many of you that is not that big of a deal, but one year ago today I started this blog. I can't believe it has only been a year. I also can't believe that many of you come back day after day and read what my thoughts are. I appreciate it. I really do enjoy doing this and it's all because I know that I am not just writing for myself but their are a few that get something in return. Here is to a great year and another great one to come.

Here are some stats from the first year:

1. Over 20,000 hits. I know that Clustr Maps says 7,000 but it didn't start until May.

2. You like it best when I do curriculum reviews. Over 1000 hits on the Elevate Curriculum Review alone.

3. 145 comments. Thanks for participating.

4. At least 10 friends made who I have never met in person.

5. 1 son born during this time.

There you have it. Now go do incredible ministry that is marketed well with great signs and unbelievable creativity.


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