August 29, 2007

Sign Wednesday: Oops! The big pet peeve.

I am a Wendy's over McDonald's type of person. I can't say that I like Wendy's new commercials but I do prefer going there for lunch. Recently, I had lunch there and looked out the window to their sign at the road. Here is what I saw:

Bad Wendy's Sign

My guess is that they are trying to reach a new younger hipper crowd. I don't have a clue what a "Frosy Fioat" is going to taste like. We know that it is suppose to be a Frosty Float. Let's even say that they had the T in Frosty... All of the other L's in the sign are capitalized and the wannabe I in FLOAT doesn't make sense.

Please spell check your signs. It really hurts your brand if you have misspelled words, especially if the misspelled word just happens to be a trade mark. It would be like you misspelling the name of your ministry or church. If you have to write your sign in Word first and hit spell check.


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