August 28, 2007

Networking: Children vs Youth

As many of you know I have a new position at Horizon. I now oversee Preschool, Elementary, Junior High, and Senior High. Now I have spent most of my professional career in Children's Ministry and I am trying to make the transition to get to know more about Student Ministry. Of course I have done some youth ministry, I mean who doesn't in college, but I wanted to really get back into this Student Minister culture. There is one thing that I have noticed about this culture that Children's Ministers could really learn from. Did you know that Youth Pastors hang out with each other? I know this is a crazy concept. Some people call it networking. Some people call it relationship building. Some even call it friendship. As you can tell I am totally blown away by this concept.

OK, seriously, why do Children's ministers have such a hard time with this? Now I know some of you and when I say some I mean very few in Children's ministry, do a good job of networking but their does seem to be a problem in this area. There is one website that I think helps Children's Pastors network, it is It can't be the only way we network though. There has to be more and I do think there tons more opportunities. Here are some theories to why it is so hard for Children's people and why it is not as hard for Youth people.

1. Youth people know they need help.

2. The male to female ratio in youth ministry is a lot different than in Children's ministry. I am not saying that this is good or bad but I do think it plays in to it.

3. The local churches have more full time youth ministers than they do children. If you are doing a ministry on a part time basis then you don't have time to network as much.

4. There are more opportunities for youth leaders to get together. How many concerts, retreats, and basic get togethers do Children people have?

There are 4 theories to start with. What are some of yours? Why do children's ministers have a harder time networking than youth ministers?


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