In a somewhat worrying piece of news, security firm Symantec has released the top search terms by kids in 2009. Topping the lists: “YouTube”, “Google”, “Facebook”, “sex” and “porn”.
While that result set might not be surprising in the teen search rankings, it’s interesting to note that “porn” ranks 4th in the “7 and under” category, receiving more searches than “Club Penguin” and “Webkinz (
)“. Meanwhile, “sex” is fourth for teens and tweens alike. Facebook (
), YouTube (
) and Google (
) take the other top spots.
The data was compiled from 14.6 million searches made using Symantec’s OnlineFamily.Norton, which lets parents track their kids’ online activity. And while Symantec is almost certainly hoping to sell more software as a result, it’s also a timely reminder that kids are growing up fast these days.
Top Searches: Teens, Tweens and Under 7s
Posted via web from matt mckee