November 3, 2009

All of my tweets from the #orangetour in 1 post and in order. Enjoy. #kidmin

Just in case you don't follow me on twitter or you would like to see a nice recap of the Orange Tour that Reggie Joiner and The Rethink Group are doing, here are all of my tweets from the one day conference.  The Orange tour still has a couple more stops and I would encourage you to go if you have the chance.  There are also many pictures on my Posterous page that you can enjoy as well.

The Orange Tour in Cincinnati

The #orangetour has begun in Cincinnati. @reggiejoiner is breaking down walls and putting people from different denominations at ease.

Why do people still lean out their car window and motion for others to roll down their window? Who rolls down their windows? #orangetour

What causes you to change? People change when the pain with status quo becomes greater than the pain with change. #orangetour

If you want to build something that last you will have to be willing to change what you build. #orangetour nice stuff @reggiejoiner #fb

The things that you miss from not coming to the #orangetour are the stories. @reggiejoiner should look into livestreaming the stories. #fb

There is a tendency to be too slow to upgrade because change seems costly. #orangetour #fb

The best way to keep a team moving toward your mission is to frequently upgrade your systems #orangetour #fb

Every change gives you an opportunity to distinguish between what is core and what is cultural #orangetour #fb

When you don't upgrade the system, you lose your capacity to support a more relevant (connecting what's at hand) approach #orangetour #fb

Just because you take off your tie and put on jeans doesn't make your worship contemporary #orangetour

Misalignment happens... You have to work at being aligned not misaligned #orangetour #fb

There is a big difference in teaching truth and discipling a life. #orangetour #fb

5 systems/issues that need help: Strategy, Message, Family, Community, & Influence #orangetour #fb

You can tell people that they are significant but they won't feel significant until you give them something significant to do. #orangetour

Steve and I just met. He said, "once you drink the orange kool aid you're all in." I'm drinking this. #orangetour

Going back to the #orangetour. Warning: lots of good info ahead. #fb

RT @andrearc3kids: You have to kill something (a ministry) that's living so something else can thrive. #orangetour #fb

I don't care if you have to make up a job. I want every highschooler to have a place to serve. #orangetour #fb

At the end of the day, it's not about Bible content, but how it translates to a child's relationship with God #orangetour #fb

I don't care if you have to make up a job. I want every highschooler to have a place to serve. #orangetour #fb // @reggiejoiner is on fire

One of the greatest struggles of the church is trying to undo what should have been undone 10 years ago. #orangetour #fb

If your student can name the 66 books of the Bible doesn't mean that their not screwed up. It means they have a good memory. #orangetour #fb

RT @paulrc3: Some of you could try and cast vision 24/7, but your not good at it. @reggiejoiner #orangetour #fb

No parent leaving the labor/delivery room say to each other, "I can't wait to screw this up!" @reggiejoiner #orangetour #fb // help parents

The reason we package the material of the the way we do is for the unchurched not the churched #orangetour #fb

How are you doing with your own personal spiritual strategy? Is that why you're having a hard time corporately?#orangetour #fb

You might think that you have experienced the #orangetour today because of these tweets. Believe me, you need to go for yourself. #fb

Posted via email from matt mckee's posterous

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