August 19, 2009

Sign Wednesday: Don't try this at #Church

Here is an attempt by a church to be relevant with today's culture. As I said it's an attempt but it has failed.

 What do you think is the purpose behind the sign? Do you think they are going to reach their target with this sign?

 Here is what could have been better:

 1. Tear down the sign and publisize your own Facebook group
2. Start a Posterous page and start putting your thoughts on it.
3. Tear down the sign and educate the people of the church about Facebook.
4. Interact with groups on Facebook and pray for those who are really hurting.
5. Tear down the sign and create a video that tells the vision of your church and why people should bring in lost people. Upload that video to Facebook.
6. Take pictures of the environments in your church and post them to your Facebook page
7. Tear down the sign

Posted via email from mattmckee's posterous


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