June 26, 2009

Daily Twitter Summary

What I'm doing and what I find interesting
  • 00:49 Daily Twitter Summary: What I'm doing and what I find interesting 00:23 Daily Twitter Summary: What I'm doing an.. tinyurl.com/mj9y5e
  • 06:26 In summer, kids need real play time usat.me/?35453602 // like we did when we were kids #kidmin
  • 06:49 RT @curtjonestweets: China's Google Block: A Final Warning? ow.ly/15G73y // Is this the moral thing to do?
  • 06:52 Here is the daily #squarespace ask to win an iPhone 3GS. Please?
  • 09:48 Time to decorate the school for Smash Camp next week. Lots to do. Lots to do. #kidmin
  • 11:59 I just saw a dad and son with matching rat tails wow. tinyurl.com/mvkyee
  • 14:58 decorations are coming along for Smash Camp. Helpful tip: don't use Gaf tape on painted concrete walls when hanging large signs. They fall.
  • 14:59 RT @kycat1a: David Pogue offers a peek in2 what's in his tech travel kit: tinyurl.com/kqbqyz @mattmckee : what u need// yes I do.
  • 17:18 RT @ScottWilliams: Michael Jackson had a heart attack, rushed to the hospital and apparently not doing well. is.gd/1dt8S
  • 17:22 RT @skydiver: @perezhilton reporting the King of Pop is dead. RIP Michael Jackson. myloc.me/5FzN
  • 19:06 I use to own a red leather jacket with lots of zippers on it. I also use to wear just one glove. Just saying...
  • 19:19 Dear tweetdeck, why won't you let me respond to people's facebook status? Seesmic does. Other than that you rock. Love the iPhone app too.
  • 19:24 Patriot and I are watching Michael Jackson music videos on Youtube. He was to young for thriller but really like Beat it.
  • 20:25 RT @cmconnect: Vote for the most influential #kidmin tweeter: www.cmconnect.org! cmconnect.OurToolbar.com/
  • 20:41 RT @michaelchanley: Vote for the most influential #kidmin tweeter: www.cmconnect.org // @samluce will probably win. just saying...
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