- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Da.. tinyurl.com/krb8pp #
- Crazy weather tonight in Cincinnati. House just got pelted by hail. Big storms in Loveland. Stay safe out there. #
- RT @SchultzeeTime: @mattmckee you need another pair of shoes like I need a kidney stone // I got shoes, hope you don't get kidney stones #
- Setting up for church. You should join us. #
- Had a lot of fun with our Junior High Ministry today. #fb #
- Just got done mowing. now going to see the movie. tinyurl.com/ksfyz2 #
- Watching UP in 3D. #
May 31, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
May 30, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Da.. tinyurl.com/kq2d3k #
- At puppy training. Toodles is doing well. #
- getting ready to go to a birthday party. it's at a water park. The boys have their suits on. I don't. #
- I'm live streaming video. Come see what I'm seeing. qik.com/video/1772829 #
- The last video was a sprinkler park. A great idea for churches looking for something different. #kidmin #
- Shopping with the family at Prime Outlets. I need new shoes. #
May 29, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. We.. tinyurl.com/n9sg53 #
- ? of the day "Why is a come to Jesus meeting not like meeting Jesus but instead seems to end poorly?" #
- Men's Bible Study this morning was on Judges Chapter 9 #
- Working on a talk for Junior Highers. Talking about the fear of doing wrong. Using the parable of the talents. Any thoughts? #fb #
- RT @theuprisinglive: @mattmckee doing enough to get by is the same as doing nothing at all... do something! // well said sir #
- Picking up garage parts to fix my garage tonight. #
May 28, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- We are home. #fb #
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Da.. tinyurl.com/okxpjs #
- Toys R Us acquires high-end retailer FAO Schwarz usat.me/?35176032 // interesting #
- Meeting with John King this morning. I really like that guy. Now heading to work. #
- Trying to catch up after vacation. #fb #
- Google: Expect 18 Android Phones by Year's End - NYTimes.com bit.ly/mph8m // sticking with iPhone but can't wait to see them #
- Special interview with ministry leaders, John Maxwell bit.ly/19LGNc // That made me laugh. #
- Seth's Blog: Challenging convention bit.ly/iMZsv // great read from the Godin #
- #102 Stuff Kids Pastors Like: Acronyms I am not sure who likes acronyms better churches or the government. In th.. tinyurl.com/mddqcu #
- Take a moment and vote for 2 Crafty Chicks bit.ly/ynYP9 // I'm helping out a friend. You can help me out, just take a second and vote #
- Bing - A better way to search from Microsoft bit.ly/uVLoI // is it going to be live search like the future of twitter? #
- read. reply. repeat. #
May 27, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Da.. tinyurl.com/qnk3xs #
- This is what we call dinner at Patti's in Grand River, Kentucky. #fb twitpic.com/60t60 #
- The bass have quit. Blugill aren't picture worthy. #fb #
- Four states adopt 'no-smiles' policy for driver's licenses usat.me/?35149838 // a little ridiculous #
- Last day of a 5 day vacation. Hope to fish one more time before the 5 hour drive back to Cincinnati. #fb #
- Heading home. Should be home in just over 5 hours. #
- Just went thru 1 of those "you can't see out your windsheild" rain storms. Interstate was flash flooded in spots. Be careful on WKY parkway #
- Less than 100 miles from home. That is always a good feeling. #
May 26, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Da.. tinyurl.com/o5zkkd #
- Some medical myths come straight from the doctor usat.me/?35147810 // who knew? #
- Another day of vacation today. I could get use to this. #fb #
- Twitter has millions tweeting in public communication service usat.me/?35148034 // nice #
- RT @SocialMedia411: BTW, 8 New Twitter Applications to Launch at The Twitter Conference: bit.ly/OZXvV Should be a fun day. #140tc #
- Riding a boat around lake Barkley. #
- Here is what happens when your lure gets caught in a tree. #fb twitpic.com/609y8 #
May 25, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Da.. tinyurl.com/otjwp3 #
- Hanging with the family. Still didn't get to fish yet. Hope to before the night is done. #fb #
- One cast. One Fish. twitpic.com/5vz9i #
- Ended up catching 5 fish. Patriot caught at least 7. He is a machine. #
- Alaskans do well in a hairy international bout usat.me/?35143396 // that's just strange. #
- RT @pblackshaw: "SCALPEL..SCISSORS...TWITTER!" Surgery Generated Media -- SGM? tinyurl.com/ovekwb // for Dr. Logeman #
- RT @bryan_robison: Being challenged by "Getting Things Done" by David Allen. Great book on organization! I highly recommend it. // agree! #
- Just got done fishing. Caught 2 good size bass. Sorry no pics just fish stories. #
- RT @CoffeeWithChris: Just Read : Dear Youth Pastor : YouthMinBlog.com/?p=598 // must read for youth workers! // and #kidmin. Nice job #
- Help Please #kidmin, please vote 4 2 Craft Chicks bit.ly/16UYok #
- Just caught another 7 fish. Lake Barkley is a great lake. #fb #
Ministry Monday: Take a Break
This Ministry Monday I encourage you to take a break. Ministry is not sustainable without breaks. Take time to just enjoy something you haven't in a long while. You deserve it.
May 24, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Ce.. tinyurl.com/r8uw3w #
- Made it to Grand Rivers, KY. Very small town. Perfect to relax over the next several days. #
- Nebraska boy, 6, takes wheel after dad passes out usat.me/?35129122 // I think Mario Kart helped #kidmin #
- Patriot and Azlan didn't get the memo that we are on vacation and suppose to sleep in. #kidmin #
- It's raining. It suppose to rain all day. This should be illegal on vacation. It's hard to fish in a down pour. #
- Just bought my fishing license at Bob's Bait and Tackle and Flea Market. Gotta love the locals. #
May 23, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Celebrating birthdays at Dave and Busters. #
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Da.. tinyurl.com/oy6mv4 #
- We leave later today for a little vacation to the land between the lakes in KY. Anybody going to be in that area? #fb #
- On the road. Grand Rivers, Ky here we come. #fb #
- Driving thru western Kentucky. Boys are watching a movie. So far this is a nice road trip. #fb #
- RT @jessica_mckee: Patriot & Daddy taking a pit stop outside Owensboro, KY. // don't worry, it was closer to Central City #
May 22, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Da.. tinyurl.com/oj3nc7 #
- Marketers weigh in on cachet of 'American Idol' finalists usat.me/?35123726 // gotta love predictions #
- Men's Bible Study, bring on the book of .Judges #
- Going to pick up my brother and then play some golf. Today is his birthday. #
- Just now teeing off. We got a free golf lesson from the pro. Happy Birthday Daniel McKee. #fb #
- This could be the slowest round of golf that I have ever played. The 2 foursomes in front of us must be playing for big money. #
May 21, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. At.. tinyurl.com/p7tu3q #
- Thank you to everyone who said Happy Birthday today. It made my day. #fb #
- Utah principal told to apologize for forcing student out of kilt usat.me/?35074790 // I don't wear a kilt #
- reading. #
- Yesterday I got 58 @ replies for my birthday. I guess that was my 15 minutes of fame. #
- YouTube is Huge and About to Get Even Bigger bit.ly/13Qgm7 // 20 hours of video uploaded every minute. WOW! #
- Bringing the Twitter Conversation to Any Web Page: This content from: Duct Tape Marketing Bringing the Twitter C.. tinyurl.com/of4ael #
- HOW TO: Create and Share a Twttrlist of Your Favorite Tweets: Twitter's favorites feature is underused by many, .. tinyurl.com/o6lch8 #
- Want to contribute a story to the updated Purple Cow?: In the fall, a new trim size edition of Purple Cow is com.. tinyurl.com/ohe3xu #
- Day 3 of the 3 day detox. Still eating fruit and drinking water. #
- RT @PhilGill3: Can't wait to see the new Camaro with the ground effects added // I agree. That is just a sweet car. #
- Curriculum Review: Group's Buzz (first reaction): I've been excited to check out Buzz, a new Sunday School curri.. tinyurl.com/r85o9f #
- Heading home after seeing @drmattfinke. #
Curriculum Review: Group's Buzz (first reaction)
I've been excited to check out Buzz, a new Sunday School curriculum for elementary kids, for some time now. I was very happy when the Crime and Punishment series for 3rd and 4th graders came to my office today. I quickly opened it up. Below are my first reactions to the curriculum after spending about an hour reading, playing, and messing around with it. I know that an hour is not very long with a curriculum and that is why I am calling this my first reactions. With respect though, I don't give most curriculum that much time in review.
Here is what Group says Buzz (quoted from FAQ's at Group.com/buzz):
Group’s Buzz curriculum is an entirely new way to teach children the timeless truths of the Bible—a way that excites and engages kids. And that delights leaders!
We’ve designed Buzz for Sunday school, but its fl exibility makes Buzz a great choice for children’s church…midweek…anytime you want kids discovering and applying Bible truth!
If you want to see all of their FAQ's go here.
(Full Disclosure: I bought this curriculum. It was not free. I am not being paid to write a review. This is just my opinion. Enjoy)
Overall Reations
Series, Crime and Punishment- not big on the title. Don't think 3rd and 4th graders will want to dive in and learn about it.
The packaging- clever with nice graphics. Looks like a part of a honeycomb. Looks like a board game.
The tag line- If it's in the lesson, it's in the box. - nice concept. I'm glad I don't have to go gather all of the supplies. Not the first time Group has done this and it is a nice feature.
Quick Start Guide- Liked it . Without it I wouldn't have a clue what to do. Easy to read and easy to follow.
Promotional Piece- It's the biggest thing in the box. Everything else is cut down from a standard piece of paper except this piece. I know you want me to buy other stuff but make this smaller. It just felt misplaced.
5 colored spinners for opening activity and Bible Time- nice feel. spins well. most kids will be able to use these and be successful.
CD- I've always had a hard time with the production quality of what Group does. The songs on the CD are kids singing to "eletrofied" soundtracks. It's a philosophy difference that I have with them. They didn't change theirs on this CD and I haven't changed mine yet. The stories and such on the CD are not great production quality either. They are good just not great. It always seems like they are doing recordings in a closet down the hall instead of in a studio or the mix is just a little bit off or something. Might be a little harsh but they can do better here.
Journal for Leaders- Read the first 2 in the book. Very good. Short and sweet and to the point. Not to much for any volunteer.
Opening Activity Cards- Good idea. Great questions. I don't know if 5 cards are going to last 13 weeks though. They don't feel like they will hold up over time with 3rd-4th grade boys.
Bible Buzz Cards (The lesson)- Nice graphics. Nice size. I didn't like that I had to tear them out of the book. I felt like I was going to rip the pages even though they are perferatted. The material on the cards are very good. Great activities to get the kids moving, thinking, and doing. Nice uses of different learning styles. Good reinforcement of the main point of the lesson. The great advancement here is that the kids get to pick the cards and decide what they want to do. It gives them ownership, something most curriculums don't even try. That is a nice change of pace.
Application Dice- Nice idea. Again giving ownership to the kids on how they are going to apply the lesson of the day. Didn't like that I rolled sports on both dice at the same time the first time I rolled though. Just felt awkward.
Prayer Tangle and Time piece- The Tangle toy was very creative and confusing all at the same time. Here is a picture taken from TangleToys.com.

You are suppose to have the kids tangle up the toy and then untangle the toy as long as the timer goes. The problem is my assistant couldn't figure out how to tangle it back up. It took me about 3 minutes to figure it out. Once you figure it out it isn't that bad but I don't think the new kid at church is going to like this activity very well. Especially when the other kids who know how make fun of them because they know how to do it. Just saying...
Faith Buzz at Home- I like the key chain idea. A nice way to collect what you have learned over the series. The cards themselves are short and sweet. Not a lot of info or activities to do because of size but I think a great reminder for the kids.
Final thoughts and observations: Overall I like the idea that the kids don't know what's coming. They don't know what game, activity, or response time is coming. That point alone gives them or makes them feel like their is ownership and excitement. I really like this. For some reason though, the first use of this curriculum that came to mind was not Sunday School. In fact the thing that I would do with this curriculum is give it to a small group of parents who is looking for something for their kids while they do small group. Instead of babysitting the person watching the kids could easily pick this up and play/learn with the kids. Because it takes little to no training on how to do. The other thing that I thought was that it could be a great family game for parents wanting to talk about spiritual things. I don't think that either one of those is bad. In fact, I think there needs to be a lot more of that kind of stuff out to chose from. Group may have developed something for the family during the week by accident but I think it would fit very well. I would use it with my family if my kids weren't 2 and 4 right now.
So what are your thoughts? Have you seen this curriculum yet? Do you think I'm way off base? Do you think it would be a good family piece instead of a Sunday School piece?
Here is what Group says Buzz (quoted from FAQ's at Group.com/buzz):
Group’s Buzz curriculum is an entirely new way to teach children the timeless truths of the Bible—a way that excites and engages kids. And that delights leaders!
We’ve designed Buzz for Sunday school, but its fl exibility makes Buzz a great choice for children’s church…midweek…anytime you want kids discovering and applying Bible truth!
If you want to see all of their FAQ's go here.
(Full Disclosure: I bought this curriculum. It was not free. I am not being paid to write a review. This is just my opinion. Enjoy)
Overall Reations
Series, Crime and Punishment- not big on the title. Don't think 3rd and 4th graders will want to dive in and learn about it.
The packaging- clever with nice graphics. Looks like a part of a honeycomb. Looks like a board game.
The tag line- If it's in the lesson, it's in the box. - nice concept. I'm glad I don't have to go gather all of the supplies. Not the first time Group has done this and it is a nice feature.
Quick Start Guide- Liked it . Without it I wouldn't have a clue what to do. Easy to read and easy to follow.
Promotional Piece- It's the biggest thing in the box. Everything else is cut down from a standard piece of paper except this piece. I know you want me to buy other stuff but make this smaller. It just felt misplaced.
5 colored spinners for opening activity and Bible Time- nice feel. spins well. most kids will be able to use these and be successful.
CD- I've always had a hard time with the production quality of what Group does. The songs on the CD are kids singing to "eletrofied" soundtracks. It's a philosophy difference that I have with them. They didn't change theirs on this CD and I haven't changed mine yet. The stories and such on the CD are not great production quality either. They are good just not great. It always seems like they are doing recordings in a closet down the hall instead of in a studio or the mix is just a little bit off or something. Might be a little harsh but they can do better here.
Journal for Leaders- Read the first 2 in the book. Very good. Short and sweet and to the point. Not to much for any volunteer.
Opening Activity Cards- Good idea. Great questions. I don't know if 5 cards are going to last 13 weeks though. They don't feel like they will hold up over time with 3rd-4th grade boys.
Bible Buzz Cards (The lesson)- Nice graphics. Nice size. I didn't like that I had to tear them out of the book. I felt like I was going to rip the pages even though they are perferatted. The material on the cards are very good. Great activities to get the kids moving, thinking, and doing. Nice uses of different learning styles. Good reinforcement of the main point of the lesson. The great advancement here is that the kids get to pick the cards and decide what they want to do. It gives them ownership, something most curriculums don't even try. That is a nice change of pace.
Application Dice- Nice idea. Again giving ownership to the kids on how they are going to apply the lesson of the day. Didn't like that I rolled sports on both dice at the same time the first time I rolled though. Just felt awkward.
Prayer Tangle and Time piece- The Tangle toy was very creative and confusing all at the same time. Here is a picture taken from TangleToys.com.

You are suppose to have the kids tangle up the toy and then untangle the toy as long as the timer goes. The problem is my assistant couldn't figure out how to tangle it back up. It took me about 3 minutes to figure it out. Once you figure it out it isn't that bad but I don't think the new kid at church is going to like this activity very well. Especially when the other kids who know how make fun of them because they know how to do it. Just saying...
Faith Buzz at Home- I like the key chain idea. A nice way to collect what you have learned over the series. The cards themselves are short and sweet. Not a lot of info or activities to do because of size but I think a great reminder for the kids.
Final thoughts and observations: Overall I like the idea that the kids don't know what's coming. They don't know what game, activity, or response time is coming. That point alone gives them or makes them feel like their is ownership and excitement. I really like this. For some reason though, the first use of this curriculum that came to mind was not Sunday School. In fact the thing that I would do with this curriculum is give it to a small group of parents who is looking for something for their kids while they do small group. Instead of babysitting the person watching the kids could easily pick this up and play/learn with the kids. Because it takes little to no training on how to do. The other thing that I thought was that it could be a great family game for parents wanting to talk about spiritual things. I don't think that either one of those is bad. In fact, I think there needs to be a lot more of that kind of stuff out to chose from. Group may have developed something for the family during the week by accident but I think it would fit very well. I would use it with my family if my kids weren't 2 and 4 right now.
So what are your thoughts? Have you seen this curriculum yet? Do you think I'm way off base? Do you think it would be a good family piece instead of a Sunday School piece?
May 20, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- At the in-laws watching the finale of 24. They recorded it. This makes me like them even more. #
- RT @SpencerClick: Looking forward to lunch with @mattmckee tomorrow // can't wait to connect #
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. En.. tinyurl.com/r9lsr8 #
- Dippin' Dots looks for next flash-frozen hit: Coffee dots usat.me/?35013834 // I don't think the ice cream of the future worked. #
- 'Footloose' revisited: Ohio teen suspended for going to a prom usat.me/?35018652 // religion not God gets in the way again #
- Day 2 of a 3 day detox. Yes I'm doing a detox on my b-day. Celebrating Friday instead. Here's my b-day cake today twitpic.com/5jybn #
- Just joined a twibe. Visit twibes.com/kidmin to join // I wanted to be like @samluce #
- Funniest birthday card I've gotten today. #fb bit.ly/4VhRK #
- RT @dustinaagaard: @mattmckee HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May it be the best birthday detox ever. // The best birthday wish so far. : - ) #
- Getting ready to have lunch with @spencerclick. Children's pastor in Dayton. I'm wearing plaid pants for the occasion. #
- For the record, I'm 31 today not 41. Not that 41 is bad, but come on. I don't look that old do I? #
- Have you published your blog at Amazon yet?: Do you have a blog? Have you published your blog for Amazon's Kind.. tinyurl.com/owsqqw #
- It would be significantly easier to wish you a happy birthday if you were on Facebook bit.ly/1FxSa #fb // to true today. #
- RT @SchultzeeTime: watching One Prayer messages... 2009 is way better than 2008 & I'm not even 1/2 way through them! // sweet. #
- Sign Wednesday: Birthday Cakes: Today I celebrate my 31st birthday. I have had more people tell me happy birthda.. tinyurl.com/os6knj #
- RT @jabberfrog: Happy B-day, @mattmckee! This post is 4 u. bit.ly/VaN2Q // thank you very much #
- Hanging with the family. That's what birthdays are all about. #
Sign Wednesday: Birthday Cakes
Today I celebrate my 31st birthday. I have had more people tell me happy birthday today then when I turned 16 I think. Of course this is thanks to Facebook and Twitter but still. It has been very nice.
I am also glad that I haven't received any of the following birthday cakes from people today.





I am amazed by the number of bad cakes that can be found. Of course I am amazed by the number of bad signs there are too.
By the way, if you were going to get me a cake... This ice cream birthday cake would be great.

That's what I'm talking about.
I am also glad that I haven't received any of the following birthday cakes from people today.





I am amazed by the number of bad cakes that can be found. Of course I am amazed by the number of bad signs there are too.
By the way, if you were going to get me a cake... This ice cream birthday cake would be great.

That's what I'm talking about.
May 19, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- End of the year track banquet is over. It was another good year. #
- RT @problogger: 6 REAL Reasons why Followers Follow - is.gd/B0ri // good insight #
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Ju.. tinyurl.com/r7a3cd #
- Just sat down to watch the 24. DirecTV was down for all 2 hours. I recorded a message that says don't call we know there's a problem #
- In tight job market, some teens start their own businesses usat.me/?35085170 // are your #stumin doing the same? #
- RT @AaronsUKBBBlog: Bomani Jones confirms that John Wall will attend UK- Says Calipari will likely head to Raleigh today or Tomorrrow // YES #
- Just found out that I get to go make a hospital visit today. These are vital opportunities for ministry but always tough. #
- RT @jessica_mckee Guess you can find Jesus anywhere you look for Him.Or should I say Cheesus? bit.ly/E696r // That's funny. #
- Heading to the hospital. #
- Staff meeting #
- Accept Jesus Christ and Get a Free Playstation 3 bit.ly/11fkCH // This is horrible. Absolutely horrible. #kidmin #
- 10 Tips for Building Brand Communities bit.ly/D6ac0 // great info about social marketing #
- RT @phillycheese: @mattmckee just an FYI, that site is complete satire. It's not an actual church. // Satire or not, it's still horrible #
- Today is day 1 of a 3 day detox. @jessica_mckee is doing it as well. I'm starting to really feel it. #
- Here is Azlan in his Power Wheels Jeep. twitpic.com/5im5m #
May 18, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Just got done making S'mores. Now it's time for a walk. #
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. So.. tinyurl.com/r8r28x #
- Foodies flock to Twitter-savvy food trucks usat.me/?35067326 // business using Twitter to get sales. #
- Needed a change of scenery so I came downtown Cincinnati. Rich Palmer is letting me use his office today. #
- Trouble accessing gmail remotely: Here's an unrelated tech tip:If you access Gmail using a program on your compu.. tinyurl.com/oknxgl #
- Ministry Monday: Jesus has a branding problem part 3: Yesterday our family was sitting around a table having lun.. tinyurl.com/pvjyza #
- A change of scenery is always good. It truly does impact your thinking #
- Former Tampa Bay coach Jon Gruden is replacing Tony Kornheiser on MNF tinyurl.com/pc9t4p #
- Had a great phone call with @mikefjohnson today. Talking about the future of #kidmin and #fammin #
Ministry Monday: Jesus has a branding problem part 3
Yesterday our family was sitting around a table having lunch after church. My wife started talking about the sermon that she just heard at church. We had a guest speaker, Ken Graham, from Vale Community Church. She really enjoyed his sermon and said that I would really like something he said. Ken said, "When you go to a gas station you expect to be able to buy gas. When you go to Starbucks you expect to get coffee. When you go to Krispy Kreme when the "Hot Now" sign is on you expect to get hot donuts." She then asks the question, "What do you think he said when he asked the question, 'What do you get when you go to God'" Patriot my 4 year old son chimed in and said, "Love!" Of course as a dad I was very proud to know that my son looks to God for love. As a pastor I was proud to know that he learned something in church that day. As a Christ-follower I was bummed because that wasn't the answer that most people say when they get asked the same question.
What do you get when you go to God? The question is simple but the answers are plentiful. Doubt, condemnation, fear, punishment, mercy, nothing, guilt, hope, frustration, and the list goes on and on. How would you answer that question?
What is the major issue here with the brand? We don't know our product. We don't know if we have a product. If we have a product then it is tied up in personal experience with past issues instead of based on the truth.
My son was right when he said that we should expect love from God because God is love. I am amazed that a 4 year old gets that but so many adults have a hard time with it. God is the manufacturer, distributor, and deliverer of love. He has chosen us to simply show the product, we don't even have to sell it. The biggest branding problem here is that we have a hard time with the product of love.
Let God love you today. It will be a much better day if you do.
What do you get when you go to God? The question is simple but the answers are plentiful. Doubt, condemnation, fear, punishment, mercy, nothing, guilt, hope, frustration, and the list goes on and on. How would you answer that question?
What is the major issue here with the brand? We don't know our product. We don't know if we have a product. If we have a product then it is tied up in personal experience with past issues instead of based on the truth.
My son was right when he said that we should expect love from God because God is love. I am amazed that a 4 year old gets that but so many adults have a hard time with it. God is the manufacturer, distributor, and deliverer of love. He has chosen us to simply show the product, we don't even have to sell it. The biggest branding problem here is that we have a hard time with the product of love.
Let God love you today. It will be a much better day if you do.
May 17, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- So I've got ball bearings popping off my garage door. Service call is in my future. Any good companies you know of? #
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Do.. tinyurl.com/p34ybs #
- I hope you make it to church today and encounter God in a great way. #
- Extended music today at Horizon Church. I really like these days. #
- A picture of Tim today in our Children's service. Nice. #kidmin twitpic.com/5d4f9 #
- Playing golf with Tim Selnick #fb #
- Played 9 holes in 1 hr 45 min. Shot a 43. Felt good to swing the sticks. #
May 16, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Done mowing. Had to push it all. Hands are ringing. #
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Tr.. tinyurl.com/puxwur #
- Thanks 2 @cindymetcalf @samluce @allyevens @pudgehuckaby @henryjz for the #followfriday love. Appreciate it. Back at you. Give them a follow #
- just saw Iron Man for the 2nd time. Still a great movie that I didn't expect to be that good. #
- Great 2 #followfriday @d_w_scott @deanlusk @m_square @prince4jc @spencerclick @kycat1a @kevincooper @jabberfrog @jonathancliff @kennyconley #
- Just downloaded Cold Play's free album. You can too here: bit.ly/WTgiP . You've got to like free. #
- What Every Pastoral Assistant Should Know…maybe: Last week my assistant approached me about a presentation that.. tinyurl.com/r7zn5w #
- Puppy training here we come. #
- Heading to the last soccer game of the season. Hoping Patriot has a game were he pays attention. It's amazing how expectations have changed #
- Patriot scored a goal. That's my boy! #
- Playing Wii with Patriot and Azlan. I'm glad I can still win at Mario Cart. #
- Let's Do eLunch: This content from: Duct Tape Marketing Let's Do eLunch As more and more people work virtually, .. tinyurl.com/pmgqf8 #
- How Twitter and Facebook Now Compete with Google: Last year I wrote a blog post entitled "If the news is importa.. tinyurl.com/r3xw6c #
May 15, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Track meets are done for the year. Woot! #
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Da.. tinyurl.com/qnjftx #
- Men's Bible Study this morning in the book of Judges looking at the story of Gideon. I love this story. #
- Did some social media consulting this morning. Rule 1: you have to use it for it to be effective. #
- Bands warm up for busy summer on the road usat.me/?35056864 // any Coldplay tickets for Cincinnati cheap? #
- RT @GuyKawasaki: The "misplaced sense of entitlement" of some Internet users. I agree. Must read! adjix.com/a8p7 // nice #
- A nice day off. Spending time with the family. I don't tweet as much on days like this. I wonder why? #
- Time to mow. Anybody want to do it for me? I live in Loveland, OH. #
May 14, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Da.. tinyurl.com/obrfgj #
- Direct sales (like Avon, Mary Kay) offer recession-proof jobs usat.me/?35044820 // @Jessica_mckee can answer questions. She loves it. #
- RT @SpencerClick: Somebody tell me something about: their ministry - their church - or themselves. Something that makes you unique! #kidmin #
- Tattoos being used for medical alerts usat.me/?35043754 // still not getting a tat. Needles just scare me. #
- RT @pblackshaw: Disney: "In the future, marketing departments will be renamed engagement departments" // Nice. Very Nice. #
- Just had 2 great phone calls. 1 with @michaelchanley talking about Jott.com and 2 with @m_square about Twitter and summer stuff. #kidmin #
- Tech Thursday: Twitter Failed Me!: I hate to admit this but Twitter failed me. That's correct. The almighty soci.. tinyurl.com/re9bjx #
Tech Thursday: Twitter Failed Me!

I hate to admit this but Twitter failed me. That's correct. The almighty social network that I use on a daily basis has let me down. I not talking about it being down either. Check this:
This past Tuesday I started an experiment on Twitter. I needed and still do need an oil change for my car. I sent a message out on Twitter that the first oil change company that responded with a coupon got my business. Simple enough I thought. I was expecting at least 2 companies to reply. I was even hoping that it would be free because they get the publicity and advertising on Twitter. Now I do understand that the oil change industry is not known for their use of Web 2.0 tools and they do prefer the wrench over Facebook. That day I sent out 3 messages about needing an oil change. I did not get one response. Nothing. Nada. I couldn't believe it. The hottest thing going right now couldn't help me get an oil change for my car. It really did shock me.
I tried again on Wednesday. This time I did not require a coupon. I just wanted to get some type of response. Again I got nothing. Nada.
I had people asking me how it went. I had direct messages asking who responded. I even had a Marketing Firm comment on the lack of interest.
Could it be that I'm not being followed by enough people? I don't think so. I have around 850 people who receive my tweets. Could it be that I don't tweet enough? I hope not. I average about 14 tweets a day. Could it be that I tweet to much? This type of customer service shouldn't have anything to do with how often I tweet. In fact none of those questions are really valid for this type of customer service. A simple search on Twitter will let you know of everyone who needs an oil change. In fact here is the search "I need an oil change" at the time of this post.
Why then did I not get a response? Believe it or not but I'm not really sure. Lack of knowledge maybe. Not knowing how to use a tool, probably. Opportunity, you better believe it.
What industry do you think would have responded the quickest or even at all?
Do you think your business, church, or organization would have responded?
I have another experiment that I am going to try on Twitter soon. I will let you know how it goes.
May 13, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Tr.. tinyurl.com/ra2ffb #
- Why does Kidz Bop have to ruin music by adding kids singing? Shame on you and McDonalds. #kidmin twitpic.com/52afb #
- FDA takes issue with Cheerios health claims usat.me/?35033024 // still good for prescoolers. #kidmin #
- Got adjusted by @drmattfinke this morning. He really is an incredible chiropractor. If you live in Cincinnati you should try him. #
- Still looking for an oil change company to get back to me. 1st to respond on twitter gets my business. #
- Virtual is the New Pleather bit.ly/KCLN8 // The post is very good but the Title is awesome. @jabberfrog #
- GM shares hit a 76-year low after execs dump stock usat.me/?35031842 // heads up #
- Studying Proverbs Chapter 13 for small group tonight. #
- RT @ericechols: If Jesus could eat with sinners why can't Christians tweet with them? This is a STUPID idea: www.godwitter.com // AMEN! #
Sign Wednesday: Why Look Ugly?
I don't even know what this sign means. I found it on a sign website that has not been updated since the end of 2008. I findd it very funny though.

What I think this sign is trying to say, "If you move next door to them you will look really good because they look so bad."
What do you think this is trying to say? Would you want to move next door to this?

What I think this sign is trying to say, "If you move next door to them you will look really good because they look so bad."
What do you think this is trying to say? Would you want to move next door to this?
May 12, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Track practice is over. Only one more for the season. Woot! #
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. A .. tinyurl.com/pz92y9 #
- RT @jastevenson: Some expected and unexpected brands at the bottom of the "brand value list": is.gd/yZ1N // value: word of the day #
- Reading, interacting, and creating content. I seem to do that a lot lately. #
- AirTran to offer Wi-Fi on all flights usat.me/?35024408 // I wish they flew out of CVG or DAY. #
- NightTline: Twitter and ABC Launch a Tweetable News Show: Twitter has rapidly become an invaluable tool for news.. tinyurl.com/p596d6 #
- My car needs an oil change. The 1st company to respond with a coupon in Cincinnati gets my business. #
- Listening to the Cloud 9 CD from the tweeps at #FC Kids. @mikefjohnson has to be happy having this group. very, very good. #kidmin #
- RT @jessica_mckee: @mattmckee What would your 10 most valuable (value adding) companies be? // Great question. What do you think? #
- Just had a meeting about the future of our middle school ministry. Splitting 5th-6th & 7th-8th. #stumin #
- Down at the church property, praying. #
- Apple: You Can't Play Jesus on iPhone | Gadget Lab | Wired.com bit.ly/sGXbg // I don't know if I should laugh or cry. #
- Researchers develop EL display that can stretch like rubber bit.ly/v5Odw // This is just cool. #
- 2 Min. Tuesday: Roller Coaster Boy Jr.: I hope this is just the beginning of many years of roller coasters ahead.. tinyurl.com/ooequq #
- The last soccer practice of the season. Woot! #
2 Min. Tuesday: Roller Coaster Boy Jr.
I hope this is just the beginning of many years of roller coasters ahead.
May 11, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- A day at Kings Island is over. I wiped. If you have a chance to ride the Diamondback, I would do it. #fb #
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Da.. tinyurl.com/pgs8kv #
- 5 ways to earn money by blogging usat.me/?34990250 // interesting that a newspaper is telling people to blog for $ #
- Just opened tweetdeck. it has been a slow morning for me. need to get moving. #
- Ministry Monday: Jesus has a branding problem part 2: Great movements, businesses, and organizations exist to ad.. tinyurl.com/of392b #
- The guy in the Mickey Mouse Shirt Wears a fanny pack. I'm just saying. twitpic.com/4zwb7 #kidmin #
- The Changing Face of SEO: This content from: Duct Tape Marketing The Changing Face of SEO Search engine optimiza.. tinyurl.com/detm6r #
- Your customers have no clue what you do: Painful Fact: Your customers know much less about you than you think. U.. tinyurl.com/c868ch #
- Small Business Branding Webinar Series: This content from: Duct Tape Marketing Small Business Branding Webinar S.. tinyurl.com/pxvyjk #
Ministry Monday: Jesus has a branding problem part 2
Great movements, businesses, and organizations exist to add value to a person's life. These entities don't exist to simply get you to join, to buy, or to volunteer. They exist because they want to better the world around them in some form or fashion by adding value to peoples' lives.
A great example of this is Toms Shoes. Here is how Toms Shoes is adding value to the people not only buying their shoes but to the people who can't afford their shoes.
What is the value add that comes to mind when I say Jesus Christ? Some of you will say heaven, others will say community, and still some will have very blank faces. What is the value to following Jesus as forgiver and leader? The brand has a problem because it doesn't know. It has forgotten.
The value is not simply going to heaven, even though that is an incredible value, it has everything to do with this list:
Jesus rose from the dead so that we could experience these things not only in heaven but on a daily basis. Not only for the ones that call themselves Christ-Followers but for those who follow him to display and let others experience these value adding qualities as well.
Jesus has a branding problem here because his company has forgotten how to add value to their own lives and in return is not able to add value to the world around them.
A great example of this is Toms Shoes. Here is how Toms Shoes is adding value to the people not only buying their shoes but to the people who can't afford their shoes.
What is the value add that comes to mind when I say Jesus Christ? Some of you will say heaven, others will say community, and still some will have very blank faces. What is the value to following Jesus as forgiver and leader? The brand has a problem because it doesn't know. It has forgotten.
The value is not simply going to heaven, even though that is an incredible value, it has everything to do with this list:
Jesus rose from the dead so that we could experience these things not only in heaven but on a daily basis. Not only for the ones that call themselves Christ-Followers but for those who follow him to display and let others experience these value adding qualities as well.
Jesus has a branding problem here because his company has forgotten how to add value to their own lives and in return is not able to add value to the world around them.
May 10, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Da.. tinyurl.com/qssorr #
- Child Dedication today at church. Truly a special day for both the parents and the child. #
- Child dedication went well today. Now it's time to celebrate Mother's Day. #
- At Kings Island for Mother's Day. Nothing like riding roller coasters on a beautiful day. #
May 9, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Da.. tinyurl.com/p7aozc #
- Yard Sale, Puppy Training, Soccer Game, Track Meet, and Dinner with Friends. All on the agenda today for the McKee Family. #
- Our dog trainer wears a fanny pack. That makes me laugh. #
- Soccer went well. Now Track is on. #
- Leaving track and going home. #
May 8, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Da.. tinyurl.com/d9h6pp #
- Getting ready for a yard sale that the family is having the next 2 days. #
- The lady behind the counter calls this the "crack muffin". Pick yours up at Coffee Please in Cincy. twitpic.com/4rvpc #
- Men's Bible Study this morning was on Judges 4 & 5. Read it ifyou want a nice camping story. :-) #
- RT @theuprisinglive: twitpic.com/4rhpm they don't look like children's pastors... Fanny packs? @samluce @mattmckee @jonathancliff #
- Yard Sale is on! twitpic.com/4rzwq #
- Great lunch with @fuelking. Even better he paid. #
- RT @tweetmeme 50 Beautiful and Effective Package Designs | Webdesigner Depot bit.ly/3eiRc #
- What were the top baby names of '08? usat.me/?35001216 // For some reason Patriot and Azlan didn't make it. #fb #
May 7, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. RT @samluce: @ki #
- Intel, Microsoft, Dell band together for WiGig usat.me/?34979408 // 6 GB/second wireless speed would be very nice #
- A fifth of US homes have cellphones, no landlines usat.me/?34979200 // some are asking, "What's a landline?" #
- Thursday is a normal extra prayer day for me. Today just happens to be the National Prayer Day. If you have any request let me know. #pray #
- RT @tweetmeme Twitter Crowns Bit.ly As The King of Short Links; Here's What It Means - ReadWriteWeb bit.ly/bqqa2 #
- praying with my eyes open. #
- RT @tweetmeme Manny Ramirez will be suspended 50 games for positive drug test - Los Angeles Times bit.ly/wgZCz #
- Media Shout and Illustrator running about the same speed I ran a half marathon last year. #
- RT @tweetmeme Video: Intel, we are rock stars bit.ly/ZSqa8 #
- If you didn't know @ChristineYJones is now on Twitter. Give a little #kidmin love to the CM Mag editor. #
- RT @jonathancliff: @kennyconley it's true.however his @mattmckee impression is PERFECT // I would like to see @samluce impression of me too #
May 6, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- RT @samluce: @kidpastor Actually we use Fellowship One. We like it very much. IMHO it is the best #kidmin check in system out there. / ditto #
- Kind of late to the party but my good friend @samluce has an incredible article in K! Magazine. Read it here. cli.gs/zr8YXe #
- OK, bad link on @samluce article last tweet.. Here is the great article by a great Children's Pastor. bit.ly/51kdB #
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Da.. tinyurl.com/d5rzzu #
- Sorry First Watch for the lack of attendance lately. I'm on my way. #
- Teens compete with laid-off adults for summer jobs usat.me/?34968356 // interesting. #
- A larger Kindle could upend textbooks, periodicals usat.me/?34967280 // could this help save newspapers? #
- RT @tweetmeme The Retweeting Movement Adds Some Powerful New Tools bit.ly/1KCCs #
- Posterous Turns Email Lists Into Group Blogs bit.ly/m7nQ5 // This is a nice tool for those wanting to start collaborating using email #
- RT @tweetmeme Firefox Could Be the Real Facebook Challenger - ReadWriteWeb bit.ly/Qoj0C #
- RT @tweetmeme URL Shortening Wars: Twitter Ditches TinyURL For bit.ly tinyurl.com/dy3jsv #
- Orange Brown Bag Lunch Collaboration: Here are video segments of the Brown Bag Lunch Collaboration breakout at #.. tinyurl.com/d2sy6d #
- Sign Wednesday: Are you just McTrying?: Are you the real deal or are you McTrying? Are you trying to be somethin.. tinyurl.com/c5ver6 #
Sign Wednesday: Are you just McTrying?

Are you the real deal or are you McTrying? Are you trying to be something your not by looking around at other people wishing you were them? Businesses do this all the time. They will take their successful brand and put it on something that they are not in hopes to make a little bit money. Sometimes they make a whole lot of money for a short time but in the long run it waters down the success of their brand and therefore their vision, market share, and effectiveness.
One prime example of this is McDonald's latest offering of trying to be Starbucks. Of course Starbucks tried to be McDonald's first and that didn't work either. What I don't understand is why McDonald's doesn't instead make their Happy Meal five times better? Close to 66% of the people who go to McDonald's go because of the success of the Happy Meal, i.e. they are there because of their kids. Make the toys better. Make the food better. Make the box even more interactive. Make it THE place to have all birthdays again.
McDonald's is probably making money on coffee, but even then they are still at this point just McTrying.
Are you McTrying right now? Are you trying to be something that someone else is instead? If so, STOP.
Thanks to Mark Williams for sending me these signs for the inspiration behind this post. If you haven't noticed it yet, look at the "Real Cafe" sign and then the yellow sign behind it. Classic.
Orange Brown Bag Lunch Collaboration
Here are video segments of the Brown Bag Lunch Collaboration breakout at #Orange09. I am honored and humbled to be apart of this group.
Kenny Conley Section #1
Jonathan Cliff section #3
Gina McClain section #4
coming soon. Sorry Gina for the delay. You can blame Chad Swanzy if you want.
Matt McKee section #5
Kenny Conley Section #1
Jonathan Cliff section #3
Jonathan Cliff What Online Collaboration Is Not from chad swanzy on Vimeo.
Gina McClain section #4
coming soon. Sorry Gina for the delay. You can blame Chad Swanzy if you want.
Matt McKee section #5
May 5, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Da.. tinyurl.com/dngtge #
- Track practice- done. Indian Hill Rec. Commission meeting- done. Dinner- I'm starvin, where's the food? #
- Old Japanese maps on Google Earth unveil secrets usat.me/?34954364 // love that app #
- The Value of Equipping: The difference between doing and equipping. "Doing" increases your control. "Equipping" .. tinyurl.com/ctspb6 #
- Get your iBible today!: Innovation at it's best. No doubt the next big thing on Matt McKee's & John Saddingt.. tinyurl.com/czfycl #
- Can you change everything?: You might not be as permanently stuck in a rut as you think. The rut you're in isn't.. tinyurl.com/dlom4r #
- Just got through 2 miles. It should have not been that hard. #
- Federal aid is top revenue for states usat.me/?34958082 // this is a really bad sign #
- I have to fill out paperwork to switch health insurance companies. Is there anything more annoying? #
- Tuesday is family lunch day. I really like that. #
- RT @theuprisinglive: @mattmckee ONLINE COLLABORATION SESSION 4 OF 5 from #orange09 tr.im/kxHY "TOOLS OF ONLINE COLLABORATION" #kidmin #
- RT @tonymorganlive: live blogging @andystanley here: bit.ly/LvQfy // 1 of the best bloggers covering 1 of the best speakers. nice #
- Preparing for a track meet tonight. #
- I'm live streaming video. Come see what I'm seeing. [qik] - Track Meet qik.com/video/1615657 #
May 4, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. In.. tinyurl.com/dledvr #
- Seeing 22 people get baotized is a wonderful thing. #
- Got waiting kids? IPhone apps to the rescue usat.me/?34924154 // good resource. #
- Driving. Didn't do that much last week. #
- Catch up day. Feel like I'm days behind. #
- The air conditioner in my office is broke. It's getting hot up in here! #
- Orange Conference: Interview With Reggie Joiner: Here is an impromptu interview with Reggie Joiner. Thank you Re.. tinyurl.com/d6ks39 #
- Getting ready for track practice. Only 4 more practices and 3 more meets. #
Orange Conference: Interview With Reggie Joiner
Here is an impromptu interview with Reggie Joiner. Thank you Reggie for doing this.
The sound quality is not great but if you turn it up while Reggie is talking you can understand it. Enjoy.
The sound quality is not great but if you turn it up while Reggie is talking you can understand it. Enjoy.
May 3, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Incredible Kentucky Derby. Love the long shots. #
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. #o.. tinyurl.com/ch3phd #
- RT @mashable: BREAKING: Seesmic Desktop Fully Integrates Facebook: It's Awesome - bit.ly/10IB7f // been waiting for this. #
- Looking forward to church. #
- It was nice to be at church today. #
- Baptism service tonight. 22 people being baptized. Sweet. #
May 2, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- #orange09 is over. #
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. Da.. tinyurl.com/d84wwu #
- Just saw my first mask on a person at the Atlanta airport. It felt strange to take a picture. #
- I hate making mistakes. Thought my flight was AM but it's PM. Nice Delta lady helped me change it to AM so I get to see the family earlier. #
- Judge: Inmate can't rename himself 'Sinner' usat.me/?34927194 // he is a sinner but don't call him that. #
- Colo. woman's tofu license plate judged X-rated usat.me/?34709072 // Does @jabberfrog like tofu? Story funny and sad at the same time #
- Can't wait to see @Jessica_mckee , Patriot, & Azlan. #
- CNN just said that no one has gotten the swine flu on an airplane. Then why did I just see my second mask this morning in Atlanta? #
- Just landed in Cincinnati. YES! Not seeing my family for a while... NO! #
May 1, 2009
Daily Twitter Summary
Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy.
- Daily Twitter Summary: Just in case you missed what I was doing or care about what I find interesting. Enjoy. #o.. tinyurl.com/ctgqaa #
- At ESPN Zone for a little team time. #
- Beak: Previewing the New Mac Twitter Client: Mike Rundle is a familiar name in the design community, having co-f.. tinyurl.com/ct47zy #
- Good morning #orange09 #
- Lanny is telling jokes again and breaking stuff. Nice. #orange09 #
- Orange Day 3: Here are live comments about the Orange Conference throughout the day. Enjoy.www.mckeelive.com Jus.. snipurl.com/h5jot #
- Reggie Joiner Andy Stanley and Perry Noble on stage. If they faught Perry would punch them both in the neck & piss off old people. #orange09 #
- Reggie to Andy, "Why spend so much time crafting a message?" Andy, "I'm scared that I've said everything I know." #orange09 #
- Perry to parents, "The most egotistical thing a parent can do is say "Watch me worship". #orange09 #
- Live blogging at mckeelive.com. really good stuff this morning from @perrynoble and @andystanley. #orange09 #
- I know how to be fake, I'm been in church a long time. -Perry Noble #orange09 #
- Jesus forgives your sins but church people don't. -Perry Noble #orange09 #
- Andy Stanley- "If you prach about your weakness then you never run out of material." #orange09 #
- Lanny just said, "John Maxwell can't come out on stage because he was detained by airport security." #orange09 #
- Andy Stanley, "Don't just tell stories, create your own message while telling stories." #orang09 #
- We should teach for who we want in the room not who is in the room. @andystanley #orang09 #
- Look at your content through the eyes of your neighbor not your deacon. @andystanley #orange09 #
- We spent more money on our Children's and Youth building than we do our worship center. @perrynoble #orange09 #
- I love it when Senior Pastors say that the church is the Youth and Children's ministry. #orange09 #
- Staff from First Baptist Merryville, IL is on stage. Andy is praying for them. #orange09 #
- Collaboration Brown Bag Lunch at 1:15. Giving away Reggie's book to Danny Gokey look alike. Is that you? #orange09 #
- I'm live streaming video. Come see what I'm seeing. qik.com/video/1586895 #
- I'm live streaming video. Come see what I'm seeing. qik.com/video/1586992 #
- I'm live streaming video. Come see what I'm seeing. qik.com/video/1587562 #
- RT @TheBigDealGuys: @mattmckee nice to meet you! sweet shirt, brother! // My shirt didn't compare to Micheal's shirt by the way. #
- Last session has started for #orange09. Live blogging again at mckeelive.com #
- The brown bag video will be up later. Will post it in sections according to speaker. Thanks to @theuprisinglive for your help. #orange09 #
- Who are you suppose to inspire? Who has God put in front of you? -Reggie Joiner #orange09 #
- Hearing stories of people inspiring people and having people pour their lives into other people. #orange09 #
- When you elevate community you provide reinforcement to the parent. #orange09 #
- When you elevate community you help people navigate through critical life situations. #orange09 #
- Because someone believed in me. it gave me a place to belong.. @shaunking #orange09 #
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