For some reason while I was with my 2 year old, Azlan, I started singing a line from the song “September”. I really don’t know why but I sang, “Do you remember, the 21st night of Septemeber?” On cue, Azlan sang back to me, “I don’t remember…” I was floored. One with laughter and two because of course he doesn’t remember, HE’S 2!
Ephesians 2:12 “…remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world“
How often we forget. We forget about what God has brought us through. We forget all of the steps of faith that has brought us to where we are today no matter where that place may be. We forget what God has done for us and through us. We forget…
What if we lived as people who remembered? What if we lived as people who have a hope that no matter what junk is going on right now that God is bigger and better than all of it? What if we remembered that the God we serve made the oceans and yet cares how many hairs are on my head?
Today I want you to remember. I want you not to forget to praise God for all that he has done. Remember what it was like before you had Jesus in your life. Share your story today of what God has done in your life. I am sure that it someone needs a little hope today.
Thank you Gina for letting me be a guest on your site. I appreciate it.
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