February 3, 2009

Twitter Tuesday: New Tag #kidmin

Are you using twitter? Do you know about hashtags? Tags are a great way to look at a topic. For instance if you wanted to see everyone's opinion about Super Bowl commercials you could go to http://search.twitter.com and put into the search bar #superad09. It would pull up tons and tons of people's opinions about the Super Bowl ads. Why does it pull all of these up? Because at the end of each of these post the person tagged it with the tag #superad09. Fairly simple but also very important. It makes twitter just that much more useful. There are to many tags to list below but there is one tag that I think you should know about if you do Children's Ministry. If you could mark your tweets that have to do with Children's Ministry with the tag #kidmin then that would really help us out. It would let us know who you are and then it would also let us know what you are doing in ministry or what questions you have. I look forward to seeing what the tag #kidmin does for the Children's Ministry community.


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