December 17, 2008

Sign Wednesday: A Unique Message

I am asked quite frequently why I like signs so much. I mean it is just a novelty type thing and I'm not connected to the sign business really. My answer is nearly the same every time. I say something to the effect of, "Signs make you have a message and I am intrigued by people's messages." People put all kinds of messages on signs. Some messages you stand back and say Wow. Others you look at and think to yourself, that's weird. The following message is just flat wacky. Enjoy.

I wonder if the word Tightie is Webster. The word itself makes me feel like I'm in junior high again.

By the way, I'm not a tightie whitie guy. Sorry to disappoint. I won't be honking.

Thanks to Sam Luce for sending my this sign. I really appreciate the thought.


1 Response to "Sign Wednesday: A Unique Message"
  1. Anonymous said...
    December 19, 2008 at 8:05 PM

    HONK HONK!:)


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