November 20, 2008

Tech Thursday: The Future is Voice

I think the future of technology is all going to Mobile Devices. I can't say phones because they are so much more than that. These Mobile Devices will eventually be your all in all communications, credit cards, and gaming centers . It may look like a mini-laptop, netbook, or even iPhone but you will be able to receive phone calls, multitask documents, play games with people all over the world, and even hold your own press conferences on it. It will be harder and harder to get just a phone or just a laptop or just a whatever. It will be a device that is all incompassing.

How will these devices run? I think Google gave us a hint this week. You can read their post about voice activated search here that is available for the iPhone. I truly believe that all programs will have to go this way. Voice recognition software is getting better and better. It is not quite there yet but it will be. And when it is then you won't need a keyboard for very much. You will be able to speak to any program and get it to do what you want. Think about the possibilities. Let's say you are in a design program like Photoshop. You speak to the program and tell it to draw a red circle over a blue square over a green triangle and then ask it to give a gradient to all three and mesh them together at a 45 degree angle. You can say that a lot faster then you can do it. You can say a lot of things faster than you can do it. You mouth and brain work more effeciently than your brain and your hands.

The revolution of touch screens and multi-touch screens are already here. This will eventually get rid of the mouse. I can't wait for the keyboard to go away with the revolution of voice as well. I think we will see this revolution very very soon. Are you ready?


2 Responses to "Tech Thursday: The Future is Voice"
  1. Anonymous said...
    November 20, 2008 at 2:29 PM

    The possibilities are awesome, but I think that I type better than I talk, at least when it comes to being creative (ie. lessons, articles, etc.). I guess the next step is reading brain waves. I'm sure somewhere in silicon Valley, someone is working on that right now.

  2. Curtis said...
    November 20, 2008 at 3:22 PM

    Hey Matt,
    Voice technology would be very cool I'll admit, however, it scares me a little to where tech will go in the future. I would love to see things become incredibly advanced for the coolness factor but aren't we losing something in translation? I may be a little partial to old school but I enjoy actually picking up a book, turning pages and reading it rather than online. Same with writing. Many times I'll enjoy penning things out rather than typing. It feels more personal that way. I think we may be just losing our connection with our aesthetic roots with all this tech.


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