I love competition. Really, I just can't help myself. So, when my wife came home last night and challenged me to sell more lipstick than her this week, like an idiot, I said, "Bring it on!" Seriously, I can't believe I am doing this but it is for a great cause. What am I talking about? Here read this:
| Your efforts can change the lives of women and children around the world. Here are a few ways you can help stop domestic violence before it starts. | Did you know? One in three teens will experience abuse in a dating relationship and more than 23 percent of them will never report it to anyone. Learn more at www.breakthecycle.org. According to the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), "Domestic violence affects women and children in every community – large and small, urban and rural – and it continues to be the most underreported crime in America." Here's what else the NNEDV reports: | - 25 percent of 8th and 9th grade students have been victims of dating violence.
- The Department of Justice consistently finds that girls between the ages of 16 and 24 experience the highest rate of intimate partner violence.
- One in four American women reports being physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in her life.
- As many as 10 million children witness domestic violence every year.
- In the United States every year, 1.5 million women are physically or sexually assaulted or stalked by an intimate partner.
- Domestic violence costs U.S. employers up to $13 billion annually.
- 63 percent of homeless women have been victims of partner violence as adults.
| Get Involved Being an advocate can be as simple as keeping a list of help lines and Web sites to share with a person in need. Make a Personal Donation Whether it's clothing, money or your time, every donation helps. Better yet, get your friends together and hold a fund-raiser to support the cause.
Be a Volunteer Get involved in the Break the Cycle's volunteer program. Check for shelters in your community and volunteer to help. It can be as rewarding for you as it is for the women and children you help. | | | | | |
This lipstick is only $13 and from what I am told it is designed to look good on female skin type. Now I am for sure not the expert on that but what is it going to hurt for you to try it or for you to buy it for your wife. Seriously. . .
Go here and buy the lipstick:
http://www.marykay.com/jessica.mckee/color/lips/berries/10022682/default.aspxNow you can say that you did something for a great cause, got a you or your wife a gift, and you can help me win a little family competition. Can it get any better than that?
I still can't believe I told her that I could sell more lipstick than her. What was I thinking?
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