I am a Kentucky boy born and raised. I have been to the Kentucky Derby and enjoy going to go see the horses run every year. I did not go this year but hope to make it back very soon. You don't have to bet to enjoy a great day at the track. There is just something beautiful about horses. I heard a sports talk radio host call the Kentucky Derby a rich man's NASCAR. I found that very funny. Anyway, by now you know that Big Brown won the 2008 Kentucky Derby. Congratulations to an incredible horse. This truly is one of the best horses I have seen in a long time. Believe me when I say that horses should not be able to run away from the pack like he did. I hope he wins the Triple Crown. It is about time that a horse did.
But that is not the point of this post. I have a huge question to NBC or anyone else who gets to show the race. Why in the world do you not show the other 7 or 8 races of the day? Did you know that there are a bunch of other races on the day that the Kentucky Derby is run? Why in the world do you think that people sit there all day and drink Mint Juleps? I mean you don't have to give it as much pomp and circumstance as the Derby but it would be nice instead of seeing Bob Costas for 2 hours getting his hair blown out of sorts. In fact some how the airing of the Derby doesn't show any other horses at all. It makes the Derby experience look really boring. It is not boring at all. 150,000 people don't show up for 2 minutes and alcohol.
I mean think about it. It would be like showing up to the nicest restaurant pay $90 a plate for the chef to choose what you are going to eat that night and all you are given is a shot of turnip soup. That is what watching the Kentucky Derby on TV is like. So please, if you can, please change it. Let us see the other races. Let us see the beauty of the other horses.
1 Response to "Kentucky Derby"ESPN showed all the other races in coverage that started at noon. By 5:00, Kenny Mayne was clearly drunk on the air.
The networks used to give the Derby all-day coverage but ratings were bad. A lot of people don't care to see all the hats and flowers and other races. And it basically turns into an episode of Entertainment Tonight with the red-carpet coverage.
99% of people at the Derby or watching on TV don't keep up with horse racing, don't follow all the preliminary races or what horse comes from where. Do you? All year long? The only reason racing is a viable industry is because of the gambling element. No one keeps up just for fun.
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