- Check-in and Check-out
- beepers for nursery
- no adults in children's restrooms
- visitor passes
- evacuation plans
- Code Adam or lock down policies
- background checks
- reference checks
- defibrillator
- cameras in hallways
- security teams with armed guards (officers and volunteers)
- glass doors or open door policies
- nurses/doctors on duty
- 2 people with kids at all times
- accident/incident reports
- CPR certificates
- photo badges
- release forms for pictures taken of kids
- radios for communications
- cleanliness of facility (keeping out clutter in classroom)
- bathrooms in children's rooms
- volunteer training as proactive
- Lead testing
- Prayer
- There are many more things that have been stated
Are we giving families what they want when it comes to safety?
How many of us take as many precautions on how to teach the Bible and get it in to families lives as we take security?
Brand new source launched today! Check it out!
New Website Alert: http://www.safechurch.com
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