April 21, 2008

Ministry Monday: Who are you. . .

Who are you praying for?
Who in your life doesn't know that they can have a relationship with God?
Who has God put in your life to communicate his love?
Who are you grieving over because they are so lost and don't even know it?

When was the last time you invited someone to your church?
When was the last time you shared your faith?
When was the last time you showed your faith?
When was the last time you took the focus off of you and put it on others?

Why do you do what you do?
Why don't you stop doing things that aren't worth it?
Why do you make excuses like you are to busy?
Why have you become complacent?

How do you change where you are spiritually?
How do you learn to be more teachable?
How do you teach to be more understandable?
How do your become more intentional?


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