April 7, 2008

Ministry Monday: Shift Conference

Anybody going to the Shift Conference at Willowcreek this week? I know that I am and I am taking my team and family with me. If you are going to be there drop me a note. I would love to see what other bloggers/people are going to be there. I would even like to do lunch with you and blog about it. Seriously, let me know. The think I am looking forward to the most is the Switchfoot unplugged concert. That is going to rock.

Do you go to conferences? How do you pick which one you are going to attend? If you don't go to any then you should. If you go to more than 2 a year and you are not speaking at them then you should stop going to so many. I think conferences have their place. I think it is great to get ministered to and worship with fellow ministers. I don't think they are the place to get away from your family multiple times a year. I don't think they are great places to find your next church. I don't think they are meant to show off how great you are. If and when you go to a conference this year, have fun, be filled, and walk away renewed.


3 Responses to "Ministry Monday: Shift Conference"
  1. Anonymous said...
    April 7, 2008 at 5:22 PM

    I go to one conference each year. this year its www.dynamicchurchconference.com


  2. jonathan said...
    April 7, 2008 at 10:01 PM

    I'm headed to the Orange Conference this year. And I could NOT possible agree with you more on the conference boundaries!

  3. Anonymous said...
    April 9, 2008 at 9:50 AM

    let's do lunch on Thursday.



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