March 17, 2008

Ministry Monday: To Coach or Not to Coach?

When looking at the community in which I minister I have to ask myself some very tough questions regarding community involvement. The questions are: Should I coach a sport or not? Should coaching count towards my job? Do I put a budget line item in for coaching if it is the right thing to do? What better way can I get into the community besides coaching? Would coaching or other community activities take away from my performance as a minister?

I think we all have something very similar to these questions that we have to deal with when it comes to ministry. It all comes down to what is the best and not what is just good. In other words, how am I going to be the most effective minister possible for the community in which I have been given? Do you struggle with this? I know I do all the time. My goal is to be the most effective, efficient pastor I can be. So how does community involvement play into this?

Did you know that both of the Student Ministry Directors that I have on my staff coach at local public high schools? They are really great coaches. They can coach anything from soccer to golf to basketball to baseball. I come back to the question though, is it worth it? It takes a lot of their time and creative energy out of them. It means that they are not in the office that much. It means that they are hanging out with non-Christian kids all the time. It means that the community gets to see how they are when they win and even when they lose. It means that they are touching a huge number of families that don't go to our church.

Did you know that I coach as well? My season started today. Our first practice was at 5:45pm in 44 degree weather. I coach track. I know, I know, I don't look like a track coach. I don't smell like a track coach either but that is not the point. Why am I coaching? Because it is through the recreation commission and is totally volunteer. Because I have 70 Kindergarten-6th graders that I get to impact 3 days a week. Because I get to show Jesus and yes even talk about him on a regular basis when asked why I do it. Because sports are more important in my community than church and I can have influence on that priority. Because I like kids.

So is it worth it? Is it the most effective and efficient way? Couldn't I be writing curriculum or books that impact the children's ministry of a nation? You know, I truly don't know the answers to those questions or even the questions about coaching. If you think you know then feel free to comment. This is truly one of those things that I wish I had the perfect answer to.


2 Responses to "Ministry Monday: To Coach or Not to Coach?"
  1. Anonymous said...
    March 18, 2008 at 1:37 PM

    I don't claim to know all that much, but the longer I do this the more disappointed I am at myself for not interacting in the community more. I think that more people in the community would hold the church in higher esteem if more pastors were more visible in serving the community.

    We see a spiritual need which is why we do what we do. It's why we have the ministries we do. People in the community don't always see the spiritual need. They just know that they need more coaches for their kid's football team and more helpers for the Friday field trip. To them, their needs are greater than what "we" feel their need is. Perhaps the biggest impact we'll have on them is not our Easter Programs or Summer Camps, but that we were the coolest coach their kid ever had!

  2. Daniel said...
    March 19, 2008 at 11:35 PM

    I would say help out your community anyway you can. Lat fall i helped coach my sons football team.I meet some kids i have never seen before and their parents.

    Go for it!



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