February 9, 2008

Date Your Wife Now!

First, a big thanks goes out to Jessica's parents but especially her mom for keeping the boys last night. Jan you really are a blessing and I appreciate you more than I say.

Let me just say that Jessica and I do not date enough. We have been married for 8 years and have been off and on about the whole date night thing. I know that it is my responsibility as the husband to make sure this happens and I have been lazy at times but this weekend I got it right. You see Jessica and I celebrated Valentine's Day early this year. We took just one night away from the kids and had a blast. It was as if we were truly dating again. You don't have to spend a lot of money. You do have to have someone watch your kids. Other than that, get creative and have fun.

If you have not dated your wife in a while take this week and schedule time to do so. I am sure she deserves it and I know that both of your will enjoy it. I mean seriously, dress up and go out to a great restaurant, buy chocolate, and laugh. That is what we did and I can't think of a better night.

Jessica, I love you! Thank you for loving me.


2 Responses to "Date Your Wife Now!"
  1. Jessica said...
    February 9, 2008 at 10:11 PM

    I love you, too, dear! Thanks for a great date.

    And let me add my thanks to Mom! Hope you get some rest.

  2. Anonymous said...
    February 10, 2008 at 3:43 PM

    It's always my pleasure to babysit your boys. A true joy to me. I'm thankful I can be here to watch them for you and also glad to give you the opportunity to get away once in a while.

    I'm glad you had a good time. You deserve it.


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