February 19, 2008

2 Min. Tuesday: No Video but thoughts

This should still only take you 2 minutes of your time. Sorry for no video today but technical issues are stopping me. I love technology and hate it all at the same time.

Now to what was said on the video that you may never see.

"Today was going to be for one Roger Clemens but I don't think he is worth it. Roger you are not believable and I wish you would just cut the crap. You did something wrong and we all know it. You could be like your good friend Andy and you would have looked a lot better. So today my time is for Andy Pettite. Andy I am glad that you are a Christ-follower, but as you know you are then held to a higher standard. I know none of us are perfect and we all need grace. That being said I really didn't like your answer when you were asked if you were a cheater. The answer should have been yes. Just like you owned up to your sin before God you should have owned up to this as well. Yes God knows your heart and even knows your motives but it was still sin and still cheating. I thought you handled this situation the best a man could but I really didn't like the answer of no. I hate that you have to show your sin to the world and I wouldn't want to be in your shoes for that fact, but know that you have a fan even if you cheated. To Roger Clemens you are not bigger than the game or our government. I hope one day you find that out. This has been a 2 min. Tuesday and I am Matt McKee."


1 Response to "2 Min. Tuesday: No Video but thoughts"
  1. Anonymous said...
    February 19, 2008 at 5:07 PM

    get a mac. lol


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