November 12, 2007

Senior Pastor Support and Building Plans

How much support do you get from your Senior Pastor? Does he talk about your vision in his sermons? Does he give you face time on the "main stage"? Does he believe in what you are doing?

I would have to say that I have an incredible Senior Pastor when it comes to supporting my ministry at Horizon. I am not just saying that because he reads my blog. More than likely he won't read this post and that is fine by me because of what went on yesterday at church. I will get there but first let me fill some on you in on somethings:

Last week, November 4th, our church started the official building campaign. If you didn't know we bought a golf course about 18 months ago and on October 1st of this year it stopped being a golf course and became the future home of Horizon. It is 154 acres with a 12 acre lake and a river that is part of the property line. It is a beautiful piece of property. I will post some photos soon just so that you can see it. As you can imagine this is not going to be a small project that we are undertaking. Most of the property will be used for community recreational space but we will be building a church as well. Speaking of building a church. Here is the initial building layout. This is the first story and there will be a second story to most but feel free to comment on what you think of it.

This is going to be a God sized project for our church. The architects have told us that this building will cost around $40 million. Before we officially started the campaign we have raised $20 million. Unbelievable for a church our size. Needless to say but I am very excited about this building. Not just because I get rear projection screens the size of walls in my theater spaces in my elementary and student ministry that will allow me to project sets instead of print backdrops, but because lives will be changed in this building and on this property. More post will be written about the building and its design but onto the point.

Yesterday our Senior Pastor let us do a children's worship service for the first half of the adult service. That's right. . . My team got to bring all of the elementary kids into the adult auditorium and do our thing. It was great to see the excitement of the parents watch their kids have a blast. It was great to see the kids really get into it. After we did our 20-25 minute large group time for the church our Senior Pastor got up and basically preached the vision of the children's ministry. It was a huge day for my team. It was a huge day for our parents. It was a huge day for our church.

By the way, I did lesson 5 of the Super Sports Spectacular series from Elevate. It worked out great because I got to teach the kids and adults that they should be serving and helping those around them. When you are given this kind of time by your church you better be intentional.

To sum it all up. . . Yesterday was incredibly fun and did more for the children's ministry then anything else I could have done alone. Thanks to our Senior Pastor, Chad Hovind, for believing in what I do and supporting me in such a huge way. I really do appreciate it.


5 Responses to "Senior Pastor Support and Building Plans"
  1. jonathan said...
    November 12, 2007 at 3:22 PM

    Thanks for sharing! So encouraging to see other CP's get the entire involved in a worship service!

  2. Sam Luce said...
    November 12, 2007 at 10:28 PM


    Wow and wow. That is amazing. It is such a blessing to work for Senior pastors who get the value of kids. I am so excited for you and your kids. Your project sounds amazing.

    I would love to hear more about what your plans are for building sets for the kids and youth.

    And since you are not going to be printing your backdrops anymore maybe you would like to sell your printer for a very good price. lol

  3. Anonymous said...
    November 13, 2007 at 1:42 AM

    Three simple words that I just love to hear! Master Site Plan!

    I love it. It looks absolutely beautiful. I just love it when a church takes the time to plan out what the end result will be whether done in one stage or three.

    I look forward to seeing how this continues for you.

  4. Anonymous said...
    November 15, 2007 at 8:27 PM

    That's really exciting. We are in the process of remodeling our children's facility (rear projected screens also) I can't wait.

    You've given me some ideas about a grand opening to motivate our church. I would like to present a taste to the entire congregation what the kids will experience on a weekly basis.

    LD (Arlington, I miss ya Bro!)

  5. Anonymous said...
    November 20, 2007 at 10:06 AM

    That is awesome! It is great to see what God is doing there. We are in the midst of a building campaign as well. It is great to see the support of your Senior Pastor. I love the idea.


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