November 5, 2007

Oops, Let's pray

This morning I had a hospital visit scheduled at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. I was visiting a family who has a one year old little girl who is getting a kidney taken out. I have been to this hospital many times over the last couple of months to visit other families and to have surgery on my own 3 year old son, Patriot. Normally I don't ask the family where they are going to be because I can find that info at the main desk and it gives me a chance to check in as clergy. So this morning I did just that. I signed in and asked where the Byrd family was? They told me that they were on the 6th floor. Now the 6th floor is an ICU floor and I thought it strange that they were there but I thought something could have happened that was unexpected. Normally surgeries are done on the 3rd floor but onto the 6th floor I go. On the 6th floor I have to sign in again as a security measure for the ICU. I told them I was here to pray with the Byrd family. She called the parents and woke them up to tell them I was here. It was before 6:30 in the morning but I didn't think the family would be asleep. The second red flag here still didn't stop me. I was determined to pray for the Byrd family. I get to the room and find a 8 year old African-American boy with his Mom and Grandmother. Needless to say this Byrd family was not expecting me. They didn't know any Caucasian pastors and was wondering why I woke them up. I did what all pastors do in this situation. I told them that they were on my list of people to pray for today and we gathered around their son and prayed. It was as heartfelt and generic of a prayer that I could do for someone in a situation that I had no clue what was going on. As quickly as I could I said God bless and exited the room. I then went to the nurse's station found the right Byrd family and headed to the 3rd floor. I found the 1 year old little girl and prayed for her and her parents.

I still don't have a clue what is going on with the one family on the 6th floor, but I do know that both families could really use your prayers. So take a moment right now and pray that both families find a peace today that they didn't think possible. Thanks.


2 Responses to "Oops, Let's pray"
  1. Paul Tate said...
    November 6, 2007 at 8:49 AM

    Hey, you ARE making a difference afterall! Among people who don't even know you. That's impressive.

  2. Mitch Corn said...
    November 7, 2007 at 1:03 PM

    Oh my gosh!!! that's awesome! awckward!!!! Hey I'm sure God used it in an amazing way, as only He can.


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