Can you tell me what is wrong with this sign? It was hung straight, printed correctly, even has nice white space, but something is really wrong. Read the bottom quote very carefully. Did you know that their beans were not 100% organic? Did you know that they are failing at their goal by 75%? Why announce to the world that you are trying but failing? Wouldn't it be just as good not to say anything then to say something @ 25%? Seriously, I don't get it. This company has one of the best marketing firms in the world and they messed up badly. Am I suppose to be happy that 25% of my beans are good and the other 75% are junk? I understand that vision sells and motivates and is the key to many problems but don't sell your vision at 25%. Please if you learn nothing else from this post...Don't hang a sign outside of your nursery and say, "We only change 25% of the babies diapers because that is what we can afford. If you would tithe more than we could change all of their diapers and wouldn't have as much crying."
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