I love to ask the question, "How can this new technology help me minister to kids and parents?" I believe that if we aren't willing to explore then we will be settling for something less and God deserves the best. So as you can read from my post a couple of weeks ago, I was introduced to Twitter.com. Twitter is a new way of mini-blogging that goes to your group of friends instantly through Text Message, Instant Messanger, and through Twitter.com. Twitter simply asks the question "What are you doing?. Believe me when I say that it is huge right now. So how can this new technology be used to minister? I think it could be used by getting Sunday's material in the hands of parents throughout the week. Here is how I am going to use it and how you could use it too:
1. Set up a Twitter account that is for your ministry. Make sure it is not a personal account
2. Let every family know that you are now using Twitter as a ministry tool and invite them to become your friend.
3. On Monday send out a "Tweet" about what the Main Point was on Sunday.
4. On Wednesday send out a Tweet about this week's Bible Verse
5. On Thursday send out a Tweet with the reference of the Bible Story that you used on Sunday.
6. On Friday give them a heads up of what is coming this weekend.
All of this is free for you and depending on how they receive their Tweets is free for them. It gets your message out on days besides Sunday and is far more effective than just a parent piece. The only thing that I would make sure and do is not to send your parents and kids any junk. Make sure it is very intentional with reminders about the lesson and ideas for parents to connect with their kids. This is just one idea. I will let you know how it goes for our church. I know that our parents may not be the most tech savvy but I am going to pick a couple of families to start with this weekend. Do you have any more ideas?
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