Why do churches even have signs like this anymore? Does it help attendance? Does it really get any type of message across to the unchurched? I think I am officially starting a campaign to get rid of all church signs like this. We are not gas stations, our prices, I mean our message does not change. If you really want to tell the world that Jesus loves them than try to get the people in your church to do that and not the sign on the outside. If you really want to tell people that you have VBS next week, make a new sign and post it in a new place each year. Just make sure that it is a nice printed sign that shows and says that your VBS is quality enough to stop the norm and send your child. Let me tell you how I really feel... THESE SIGNS DON'T WORK. PLEASE STOP USING THEM.
I can't take credit for finding this sign. Justin Tapp sent this to me. Thanks Justin.
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