October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Yes, I said HAPPY Halloween! Why is it so wrong for a pastor to see today as a good thing and not something horrible? I don't understand it. Tell me what other day of the year that you have all the kids in your neighborhood stop by your house. Tell me another day of the year, besides Christmas, that exhibits the concept of it's better to give than to receive better. Halloween is not a horrible thing. Will bad things happen tonight because of stupid people? You better believe it, but it did yesterday to and you didn't get any candy.

Please don't look at Halloween as a boycott event. See it as an opportunity to dress your little girl up as an angel and tell her that someday she will be one. See it as an opportunity for your little boy to be a kid and not worry about being made fun of for dressing up. See it as an opportunity to build community with your neighbors who don't have a clue that Jesus loves them. See this is an opportunity to be the talk of the town by giving out the best candy. See this as an opportunity...

Tonight I will celebrate Halloween. I will pull the fire pit in the front of my house and start a fire. I will set up the outdoor furniture in the front yard. I will give candy to all the kids and see their smiling faces. I will be as accessible as I can. I am not going to hide. I won't pass out any tracks about hell. I will talk about Jesus if I have the chance but if I don't talk about him, I think that's OK. I am not going to worship Satan, but tonight will remind me that I am like every person that comes to my door and I too need grace and mercy. You see, Halloween is just like all other cultural events that aren't inherently Christian. You can leverage it to build relationships for the future or you can boycott it and lose the opportunity.
Leverage the opportunity...


5 Responses to "Happy Halloween"
  1. Sam Luce said...
    October 31, 2007 at 11:27 AM

    You forgot about the airing of grievances....oh wait that's Festivus. Great post couldn't agree with you more. Why do we pick the wrong things to be different at?

    Happy Halloween to you.

  2. Jill Nelson said...
    October 31, 2007 at 2:15 PM

    Well said!!!! I completely agree. This year we actually cancled our annual Fall Fun Fest due to a number of reasons... ever since that decision I have been so excited to be able to see the trick-or-treaters at my house!

  3. Anonymous said...
    November 1, 2007 at 11:19 AM

    Matt Mckee, what's up man. I have just recently gotten into the whole blogging thing. The other day I was thinking what others do I know that are probably blogging. A couple quick searches and I found mckeelive.

    Hope your doing well.


  4. mileyloverandproud said...
    October 15, 2008 at 11:48 PM

    I couldnt agree more
    hi i'm kara,i'm 12 years old
    thnx for posting this
    my dad doesnt celebrate halloween becuz of what it is supposed to worship
    but i see halloween as a day where you see every kid smiling and happy exept some lil kids who are crying...but thats ok lol
    but thnx for posting this
    i will definetly be showin this to my dad
    xoxo kara
    god bless you ♥☺

  5. Anonymous said...
    October 27, 2008 at 7:38 AM

    Happy Halloween to you too! :) It's all for fun and kids enjoy dressing up.


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