Does your family blog? I am proud to say that mine does. In fact, my wife just started her own blog. I am so proud. Now if I could only get her to write about Children's Ministry then she would blow your socks off. She too worked at Fellowship Church for 5 years and did incredible things in Children's Ministry while there. When we left, she was the Children's Pastor at one of the satellite campuses. Now her passion is being a wife and a mom and that is what her focus is going to be for her site but I bet you that I get her to talk about how to plan a camp for 500 kids a week or how to do a VBS alternative for 4000 kids over the course of 4 weeks. By the way, I know that you are going to read this Jessica so, I love you.
Not only does my wife blog but so does my father-in-law, my sister-in-law, my sister-in-law's husband (I really don't know what to call him except really smart), and my brother and his wife. All of these have some type of ministry focus. That's right... I will have to say that I am surrounded by an incredible family who is trying to change the world for Jesus.
Now if I could only get my mom, my dad, and my 2 year old to blog. Then we would have something. I can see it now... My mom would write about the adventures in nursing... My dad would write about how to be the best electrician, and my 2 year old would write about how to play a Nintendo Wii and beat your dad at golf.
Now this is what I call great family time.
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