August 30, 2006

Cutting Down Trees

My family and I cut down one of the trees in my back yard. It was a very large tree with many branches. It provided shade for the house and in the fall was very pretty. It was hard to see the tree go but once the tree was down it opened up the yard tremendously. You see, we still have 5 trees and other shrubbery to cover the half acre that we have been blessed with. This particular tree did nothing wrong nor did it have to go, but it is going to be better without it. Sometimes in ministry we need to do the same thing. We need to cut down trees. I am sure there are programs at your church or ministry that you have been doing for years. This program has been good to you. There are benefits to having the program and people may even be coming to know God through it, but that is not the right measurement. The question is not is it working? The question should be can something else work better? Now that we only have 5 trees in our backyard I see that we have more land to play, landscape, and enjoy. It has also opened our eyes that we need to cut down another tree and remove some bushes. Why? Because when it comes down to it we are not utilizing the space in its full potential. So here is my point. Stop what you're doing and ask yourself should I be doing something else? Can I be more productive? Is this really the best program or should I cut it and do nothing its place? When you do this it will open you eyes to other problems and other things that need to be taken care of. Don't look to see how many trees you have, make sure that you are using your space the best it can be used.


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