July 21, 2007

Centri-Kid: The Overview

Here are my thoughts and ramblings from this past week at Centri-kid. What I have done is taken the schedule from the Centri-Kid website and taken out their description of what is going on and put in my own twist. Enjoy.


8:30 am
Quiet Time. The Bible study was nice during this time. Of course you have to get kids still enough to do it, but it once they did it started good conversations. I would give this a 4 out of 5.

9 am I Can't Wait: morning large group time. Lots of energy with fun songs but predictable dramas. I would give this a 3 out of 5. I came away wanting more splash and sharper dramas.
10 am Recreation: Taught by the staff. I didn't even have to be there but did check it out to see how the kids were doing. Great Centri-Kid leader for this time. Good organization and it got the kids hot, tired, and happy. This is one area that I really enjoyed on a programming side. 5 out of 5.
11 am

In Bible Study, taught by the Centri-Kid staff (25 total) for the kids and for the adult church leaders we had our own worship time on the first day and Starbucks on the last day. Very impressed by how much I felt fed because of this focus on the first day but wanted more of it after that. 4 out of 5. Do more worship time for adults.

2 pm Track Time! The kids picked 2 different tracks to attend. They had everything from Self Defense to Fishing and Basketball to Crafts. The list of choices were impressive and it had something for everyone. My kids liked this time very much. 5 out of 5.
4:00 pm Free Time! A decent break but not long enough. Our dinner started at 5:15 so there wasn't enough time to go off campus to go to the indoor swimming pool. They did try to do stuff on campus and most of that was fun. 3 out of 5
7 pm Evening Worship I could be way to critical of this part. The music was good but not great. The energy was somber. The sermon illustrations needed more punch. It just seemed as if they were trying to please the older people more than they were trying to meet kids where they are. I hope that is not to harsh. Overall 3 out of 5.
8:30 pm

The Parties are just a fun time. They did a large group Bean game that had a good missions twist on it and then 3 stage shows. 1 Game show type, 1 Variety Show type, and 1 bad idea. The game show was good. The variety show is never good but the kids are cute. The bad idea was one they called the World Record party. Such as the World Record New Year's Countdown that isn't on New Year's Eve. It was a waste of 3 minutes. I won't go into the rest of the bad idea. Overall 3 out of 5.

The overall score is 30 out of 40. Believe me when I say this is a very good score. We all have areas of improvement and now you know where I think they could.


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