July 5, 2007

A billion dollar idea

I believe everyone in the world has a million dollar idea in them. In some way, shape, or form they see our world and think of a way to improve it. If you then take that idea and make a business or a product out of it then you could make one million dollars. I truly believe everyone has this in them, so don't tell me you don't.

Now the hard part comes when we are talking about a billion dollar idea. Why is this so much harder? Because this has to be an idea that the money is set aside for already or the right company is willing to buy into and the masses must buy into as well and not just a niche market. Well, guess what? I have had a billion dollar idea that I have been trying to get off the ground now for 5 years. That's right. I have recently started the patent process on this idea and have started looking for the right Venture Capitalist.

Why do I tell you this? Because I was checking my stats to see who is checking out this site. For the most part there were no surprises. Mostly churches from around the U.S., England, and Australia. Isn't it amazing that you know when someone from Fellowship Church, Southeast Christian, Saddleback, Willow, First Baptist Orlando, and many other churches are checking out your blog? By the way, a big thank you to all of you. The most interesting one for me though is Google. There are at least 2 people from Google that read my blog on a very regular basis. Now here is a company that could take my billion dollar idea and make it into be a multi-billion dollar idea and it fits in their vision of owning the advertising dollar.

So what is the idea? I can't tell you here but if you readers from Google want an idea that would help every local community with communications during but not limited to emergencies, sell advertising not only to fortune 100 companies but be targeted enough that mom and pop stores buy in was well. The research for guarantee numbers is already there and it is free and the people that this would advertise too would be captivated then I have a proposition. I will lease the patent to you and I get in return 1% of all revenue from the idea. Now if you wanted to go over the top and hire me to see this to completion then that would be great. Just a proposition for a new way to advertise to the masses.

What would I do with the money? I would then help Christian business men and women across the world start their business in their countries. All of this in hopes to evangelize each country through business and the marketplace and fund local churches to reach the masses. There you have a little global vision from a guy who happens to be in Children's Ministry right now. See it's not about the money. It's about reaching people all over the world. I know some of you were worried.

What is your million dollar idea? If you could make everyday life better, how would you do it? What would you do to change the world with the money you make.


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