This coming Saturday I leave for Anderson, S.C. Anderson is a little town of 26,000 people and the home of NewSpring Community Church. Do you know about NewSpring? If you don't you should. Their senior pastor is Perry Noble, who loves to blog here, and they have this guy called Tony Morgan who loves to blog here. Both of these guys are some of my favorite bloggers. I also can't wait to meet Pudge Huckaby, the Children's Pastor. Anybody with the name of Pudge has to be cool. He blogs here but is currently on a break. What makes NewSpring so great is that they average around 7,000 people in a town of 26,000. Now that is what I call a Community Church that is reaching the people around them for God. It is not all fluff. It is the get your hands, hair, and heart dirty type of ministry. Last month they baptized 562 people. God is working through them and they are being obedient. I can't wait to go to this conference/backstage look at NewSpring. Paul Tate our Creative Arts/Programming Pastor will be going with me. It will be great to hang out with him and not to experience this alone. I hope I can nudge him into starting a blog on this trip. It would be benefit many of us out there. He is very creative.
There are 2 major goals I have for this All Access event.
#1- For God to move me to rethink, renew, and remix my ministry.
#2- Hug Tony Morgan (he will hate this but I want to see the look on his face).
I will be keeping you up-to-date on what happens while at NewSpring. I am sure it will be incredible.
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